Knight Canyon - April 2019
Quick view of trip pics
- Desert Puffball - There were several of these growing below 3000 feet.
- Lilac Sunbonnet - Langloisia setosissima of the Phlox Family.
- Panamint Phacelia - Phacelia perityloides of the Borage Family.
- Purple Sage - Salvia dorrii of the Mint Family.
- Rock Wall - Just above bypass in major side canyon.
- Columbine Plants - No flowers, but plants located at productive spring.
- Milkvetch #1 - Species of Astragalus in Pea Family.
- Yuccas and Pines - Pinyon pine forest begins at about 5200 feet.
- Large Pinyon - Some very large pinyon pines grow in this side canyon.
- Yuccas Blooming - More yuccas and pines!
- Milkvetch #2 - Another species of Astragalus in the Pea Family.
- Donkey Skull - Miner's lettuce growing out of eye socket.
- Miner's Lettuce - Mound of Claytonia perfoliata of the Purslane Family.
- Another Spring - It appears that an actual road led to this one at one time.
- Evening Primrose - Species of Oenothera in the Evening Primrose Family.
Bendire Canyon - April 2019
Quick view of trip pics
- Desert Snow #1 - Lots of this small plant at the wilderness boundary.
- Desert Star - Another small plant, but this one is in the Sunflower Family.
- Blazing Star #1 - Close look at a flower of this member of the Loasa Family.
- Purple Mat #1 - Another very small plant. This one is in the Borage Family.
- Broad-Flowered Gilia - Gilia latiflora of the Phlox Family.
- Desert Gold Poppy - Eschscholzia glyptosperma of the Poppy Family.
- Desert Snow #2 - More Linanthus demissus of the Phlox Family.
- Purple Mat #2 - More Nama demissum of the Borage Family.
- Blazing Star #2 - Often Blazing Star grows at the base of Creosote Bushes.
- Box Thorn - This member of the Nightshade Family is also known as Rabbit Thorn.
- Lesser Mohavea - Sometimes also called Golden Desert Snapdragon.
- Canyon View - Looking down from 5000' in south fork of Bendire.
- Evening Snow - Small flowers open up at dusk.
- Donkeys #1 - Local natives suspicious of hiker passing through their territory.
- Donkeys #2 - Keeping watch and making sure stranger behaves himself.
- Desert Paintbrush - Castilleja angustifolia surrounded by Salvia dorrii.
- Scarlet Milkvetch #1 - Astragalus coccineus of the Pea Family.
- Scarlet Milkvetch #2 - Encountered at about 5200 feet.
- Rock Structure - Probably an old chimney encountered at 5400 feet.
- Rusty Cans - Lots of cans scattered around old rock chimney.
- Rusty Griddle - Found along with other rusty items near chimney.
- Yucca Bloom - Low growing bunch of yucca flowers.
- Joshua Tree - Lots of these yuccas had flowers.
- Yucca Flower Bud - Looks a little like an artichoke!
- Another Yucca - Yucca brevifolia (aka, Tree Yucca) of the Lily Family.
- Fallen Sign - Sign near three way intersection at about 4700 feet.
- Evening Primrose #1 - Species of Oenothera of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Evening Primrose #2 - Another healthy specimen growing at about 4500 feet.
- Donkeys #3 - Group of Donkeys near bottom of side canyon at about 3500 feet.
- Donkeys #4 - A closer look at some of the donkeys in the group of twelve individuals.
Knight Canyon - Sept/Oct 2018
Quick view of trip pics
- Bypass Trail - A 300 yard long bypass trail connects middle canyon to upper canyon.
- Donkey Trail - The upper canyon is relatively open once narrows bypassed.
- View of Trail - Looking down on upper canyon from ridge.
- Large Rock - Rock at fork at top of upper canyon.
- Upper Fork - Rock from previous image at center bottom of image.
- Rock and Yucca - These rocks appear at bottom, right of previous image.
- Yucca - A few yuccas on ridge above canyon.
- Rusty Trailer - Some kind of trailer near mining camp in middle canyon.
- Rusty Tank - Another item left in middle portion of canyon about a mile below the trailer.
- Top of Tank - Interesting bolt pattern.
Bendire Canyon - April 2018
Quick view of trip pics
- Panamint Phacelia #1 - Small plant next to a nail.
- Panamint Phacelia #2 - Phacelia perityloides of the Borage Family.
- Old Foundation - Located below falls, mine, and steep section of trail.
- Milkvetch - Species of Astragalus and member of Pea Family.
- Evening Primrose - Only a few of these observed on the hike.
- Old Sign - Located a half mile or so below falls.
- Hedgehog Cactus - Echinocereus engelmannii of the Cactus Family.
- Purple Sage - Salvia dorrii of the Mint Family.
- Prickly Poppy - Several of these plants observed during hike.
- Brittlebush - Encelia farinosa of the Sunflower Family.
Bendire Canyon - November 2015
Quick view of trip pics
- Donkeys #1 - A group of donkeys below the mouth of Bendire Canyon.
- Donkeys #2 - Another look at the group of donkeys.
- Panamint Crater - A quick look at the bottom of the crater.
- Ruins #1 - Remains of a small shack located in lower Bendire Canyon.
- Ruins #2 - This small mine camp is on the south side of the canyon.
- Ruins #3 - White rock in railroad tie bin.
- Ruins #4 - Small storage hole behind shack.
- Ruins #5 - Back of the shack.
- Ruins #6 - Another look at rock bin.
- Ruins #7 - Looking across valley late in the afternoon.
Bendire Canyon - May 2015
Quick view of trip pics
- Upper Road #1 - Road out of canyon on high ridge above falls.
- Upper Road #2 - Looking towards the end of the road.
- Hedgehog Cactus Flower - Close look at bright magenta flower.
- Cottontop Cactus - Clump of larger than average cottontop cacti.
- Upper Road #3 - View of end of upper road from a short distance up the ridge.
- Upper Road #4 - Looking down road on way down from ridge.
- Beavertail Cactus - Pinkish-magenta flowers on this common cactus.
- Upper Road #5 - Another view of road on way back down into canyon.
- Beardtongue #1 - Attractive bluish-pink flowers usually abundant in Bendire Canyon.
- Beardtongue #3 - Close look into a single beardtongue flower.
- Beardtongue #3 - Collection of flower buds, dried seed capsules, and flowers.
- King's Snapdragon - Attractive member of the Figwort Family.
- Donkey - This guy seems to have a strange glow in his eyes.
- Rusty Bucket - Old bucket hanging from the branch of a bush.
- Purple Sage - Attractive member of the Mint Family.
Knight Canyon - May 2014
Quick view of trip pics
- Rock Nettle #1 - A look at the flower from the side.
- Rock Nettle #2 - View of the front of two flowers.
- Rock Nettle #3 - A bunch of flowers on a single plant.
- Rock Nettle #4 - Close look at the reproductive parts.
- Sandpaper Plant #1 - A cluster of small flowers.
- Lesser Mohavea - Also sometimes called Golden Desert Snapdragon.
- Brickellia - Interesting member of the Sunflower Family.
- Desert Riparian Habitat - Notice two large sandpaper plant bushes.
- Sandpaper Plant #2 - Another look at a cluster of small flowers.
- Prince's Plume - Lots of this scattered around springs.
- Columbine #1 - Close look at a single flower.
- Columbine #2 - A slightly different angle.
- Columbine #3 - Another flower tangled up in some vegetation.
- Columbine #4 - A group of flowers blowing around in the wind.
- Beardtongue - Very difficult to get a good shot due to strong wind.
Knight Canyon - March 2014
Quick view of trip pics
- Gate - Gate coinciding with wilderness boundary.
- Second Fork Spring #1 - The second fork goes to the left about two miles up from gate.
- Columbine - These appear to be young columbine plants at second spring.
- Second Fork Spring #2 - View of spring from above.
- Prince's Plume - Attractive member of the Mustard Family.
- First Fork Spring #1 - The first fork heads to the left about one mile up from gate.
- Venus Hair Fern - Some fern plants growing along stream.
- Overhang #1 - Overhang at First Fork Spring
- Duchess #1 - Plate identifying a corner of The Duchess mine claim.
- Duchess #2 - Looking down on First Fork Spring.
- Dry Fall - Steep dry rock fall, about thirty-five feet high, but easily climbable.
- Wishbone Bush - Close look at attractive member of Four O'Clock Family.
- First Fork Spring #2 - Looking down on dense vegetation growing along stream.
- Overhang #2 - Looking down on overhang from above.
- Sandwort - Delightful member of the Pink Family.
Knight Canyon - September 2012
Quick view of trip pics
- Donkey #1 - One of six donkeys observed on this hike.
- Donkey #2 - Two donkeys at top of ridge near mouth of canyon.
- Brittlebush #1 - Encelia farinosa of the Sunflower Family.
- Ground Cherry #1 - Physalis crassifolia of the Nightshade Family.
- Ground Cherry #2 - The fruit of this plant looks a little bit like a lantern.
- Ground Cherry #3 - A closer look at one of the yellow flowers.
- Brittlebush #2 - Brittlebush plants producing flowers were scattered up and down the canyon.
- Big Horns - Large horns left by a deceased big horn sheep.
- Goldenrod #1 - Solidago spectabilis of the Sunflower Family.
- Goldenrod #2 - This plant requires a moist location such as a spring-fed stream.
- Mexican Bladder Sage - Salazaria mexicana of the Mint Family.
- Rattlesnake Weed - Close look at unusual flowers of this low-growing plant.
- Donkey #3 - Another donkey wandering around the canyon.
- Creosote Bush #1 - Larrea tridentata of the Caltrop Family.
- Creosote Bush #2 - Groups of bushes here and there were in bloom while others were not.
- Prince's Plume - Stanleya pinnata of the Mustard Family.
- Indian Tobacco - Nicotiana attenuata of the Nightshade Family.
- Donkey #4 - Another donkey hanging out in the canyon.
- Tank - A tank left near intersection with road going off to the north.
- Donkey #5 - Three donkeys on ridge near mouth of canyon.
Bendire Canyon - June 2011
Quick view of trip pics
- Rock Wall - Rock wall along road on way up canyon.
- Thistle - The only thistle spotted on this hike.
- Beard Tongue Flowers - Lots of beard tongue in bloom!
- Beard Tongue Plant - Bendire usually has a lot of beard tongue in late spring.
- Spring - First spring on the way up the canyon above the fall.
- Rothrock's Nama - Member of large colony growing at the second spring.
- Prince's Plume - Quite a lot of this along the way up the canyon.
- Spare Parts? - A few rusted relics on display on a rock near a spring.
- Old Road #1 - Remnants of old road taking off out of the canyon to the south.
- Old Road #2 - This section of the old road is actually in the canyon.
Knight Canyon - October 2009
Quick view of trip pics
- Road to North - Road north of mouth of Knight Canyon.
- Tarantula #1 - Looking straight down on large spider.
- Tarantula #2 - Frontal view of large spider.
- Gap in Hill - Mining activity north of Knight Canyon.
- Road Through Gap - Road passing through gap.
- South from Gap - Looking south back toward mouth of Knight Canyon.
- North from Gap - The road continues to the north.
- Panamint View - Shadows on Panamint Range late in day.
- Panamint Shark - Some see eyes and a mouth on the right side of light area.
- Argus Roads - Roads at foot of Argus range north of Knight Canyon.
- Joan and Billy - Apparently these two had some kind of romantic connection back in 1980.
- Claim Marker - Engraved metal marker on post.
- Cottontop Cactus - Many of these guys were growing on steep rock slope in canyon north of Knight.
- Narrow Passage - Narrows in canyon about one and a half miles north of Knight.
- Tarantula
Video - Same spider as shown above in the second and third pictures.
Bendire Canyon - May 2009
Quick view of trip pics
- Panamint Penstemon #1 - Several groups of plants were blooming at about 3800 feet.
- Panamint Penstemon #2 - These plants were at about 3800 feet, but those further up the canyon were not blooming.
- Chukar - A rather plump chukar.
- Lupine - The grape soda smell was quite noticeable!
- Argus Blazing Star - There were many of these plants in bloom along the way.
- Miner's Lettuce - There was quite a lot of this plant at the base of rock walls.
- Desert Figwort #1 - Small flowers at top of tall stalk.
- Desert Figwort #2 - Nice specimen at about 4100 feet.
- Granite Gilia - Plant growing out of crack in rock wall.
- Pinyon - Pine tree at 4500 feet in south fork of Bendire.
- Evening-Primrose - Plant with buds nearly ready to bloom.
- Ephedra - There is a lot of ephedra in Bendire Canyon!
- Desert Paintbrush - These plants were quite prevalent.
- Inyo Onion - An Inyo Onion plant at about 4600 feet.
- Panamint Penstemon #3 - Flower, buds, and seed pods from previous year.
- Hedgehog Cactus - Flower part way open.
- Rattlesnake - Friendly rattesnake on trail.
Bendire Canyon - August 2008
Quick view of trip pics
- Canyon Mouth - Looking from mouth of Bendire Canyon across valley toward Panamint Mountains.
- Cabin Remains #1 - Boards left over from some sort of wooden structure.
- Ore Loader - Ore loader about two miles up canyon from BLM closure.
- Mine Entrance - Shallow tunnel at point where canyon turns north.
- Foundation - Foundation of cabin at end of road.
- Large Tunnel - Looking up at large tunnel near dry falls.
- Narrows - Narrow area in canyon just below dry falls.
- Beardtongue #1 - Seed pods of abundant beardtongue plants.
- Beardtongue #2 - Beardtongue plants were abundant beginning at 3900 feet.
- Pinyons on Ridge - Looking south toward ridge covered with pinyons.
- Yucca - Group of yucca at about 4600 feet.
- Sign Down - The sign marks the boundary with the adjacent military base.
- Stone Structure - Stone structure across canyon from shallow mine tunnel.
- Cabin Remains #2 - More remains of some sort of wooden structure.
Knight Canyon - October 2007
Quick view of trip pics
- Eroded #1 - Badly eroded road at about 4800'.
- Eroded #2 - Another section of road that is badly eroded at about 4800'.
- View to North - Looking north along Argus Range from above Knight Canyon.
- Donkey - Donkey hanging out at about 4900' feet above dirt road.
- Shovel - Shovel left on road not far from the end of the road.
- Near End - Looking up toward the end of the road.
- Pulley #1 - Remains of pulley apparatus left at end of road below tunnel at about 5000'.
- Pulley #2 - Another view of pulley apparatus.
- Pulley Frame - Base of pulley apparatus.
- Tank #1 - Tank left at end of road.
- Tank #2 - Another view of the tank.
- Donkey Trail - A donkey trail continues beyond the end of the road.
- Canyon View - Looking down the south fork of Knight Canyon. (The road goes up the north fork of the canyon and actually there is also a middle fork, BTW.)
- Cable #1 - Cable between end of road and tunnel.
- Cable #2 - Another view of the cable.
- Tunnel - This tunnel is located just above the end of the road. It is maybe 30 feet deep.
- Bed Frame - Refuse left behind at mining camp at about 4000'.
- Assorted Junk - More refuse at mining camp.
- Sink - Rusted sink at mining camp.
Knight Canyon - June 2007
Quick view of trip pics
- Gate - This gate marks the end of the road that you can drive on. From this point you must proceed on foot. The elevation at this point is 2600'.
- Spring View #1 - This view is almost the same as one shown further down the page except that it was taken during early summer.
- Tractor - This tractor is shown from a different angle further down the page.
- Pipes - These pipes were found up on a ridge almost directly north of the tractor at an elevation of 3900'.
- Barrel - The barrel is near the tractor, at the bottom of the canyon. This is a view looking down from the ridge.
- Spring View #2 - The spring shown previously only from up on the ridge.
- Upper Road - The road continues up the canyon and then climbs a ridge to the south. Part of that road is seen here.
- Azurite Deposit #1 - The road that branches to the north ends at a shallow pit full of azurite.
- Azurite Deposit #2 - This pit sits at an altitude of 4100'.
Knight Canyon - May 2006
Quick view of trip pics
- Crater View #1 - Looking down into the crater from the east.
- Crater View #2 - View to the north across the crater.
- Crater View #3 - Closer look at the bottom of the crater.
- Crater View #4 - View to south across the crater.
- Crater View #5 - Closeup view of the cover of the shaft at the bottom of the crater.
- Crater View #6 - Looking down the shaft.
- Quarry View #1 - View across Panamint Valley at snow-covered peaks.
- Quarry View #2 - Looking over top of quarry towards Argus Range.
- Quarry View #3 - Road through middle of quarry.
- Quarry View #4 - Looking down on quarry area.
- Quarry View #5 - Another hilltop view of quarry area.
- Quarry View #6 - Close up view of quarry.
- Panamint Valley - Looking across middle part of Panamint Valley.
- Rock in Road - This rock was the first major obstacle (other than the BLM signs and the gate).
- Overgrowth - This overgrowth was encountered about a mile and a half up from the gate. It's pretty much impassable with a normal vehicle.
- Spring #1 - Nice cottonwood trees about 1.5 miles up from the gate.
- Foundation #1 - Old foundation about 100 yards from cottonwood trees.
- Foundation #2 - Another view of the same foundation shown in the previous picture.
- Spring #2 - Another view of the cottonwood trees.
- Lower Mine Road - This mine road branches off from the main road at according to the map ends near two mine tunnels.
- Tractor - This is an old yellow tractor left over from some mining operation.
- Drill Thing - My guess is that this insn't actually a drill. It's probably for sorting ore, but I'm not too sure of this.
- Tank - This is a rusty old tank left over from some mining operation.
- Stream - In several places in the canyon small streams can be found just below springs.
- Trailer - This is an old rusty trailer left over from some mining operation.
- Loading Dock - This looks like it might have been used to load ore into trucks. The pipes make it look like maybe water tanks were filled here also.
- Upper Canyon - View looking up the last section of the canyon after the road doubles up a slope toward the final tunnel.
- Upper Mine Road - This is where the trail leaves the canyon to head to final tunnel another mile or so up the trail.
--- Older Pictures from Bendire Canyon ---
- Kid And Trail - Kid by some willows below old trail in Bendire Canyon.
- Wood Structure - An old mine-related structure in Bendire Canyon.
- Trail On Mountainside - A view of the old trail leading up Bendire Canyon. It was used to haul pine wood down the canyon for use in the Wildrose Charcoal Kilns according to Doc Cole.
- Snake - I found this snake in the canyon that forks off to the south near the mouth of Bendire Canyon.