North of Bruce Canyon (May 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mariposa Lily #1 - Lots of lilies blooming up above 4200 feet.
- Panamint View - Looking across Slate Range towards Panamints from about 4500 feet.
- Larkspur - Delphinium parishii of the Buttercup Family.
- Mariposa Lily #2 - Calochortus kennedyi of the Lily Family.
- Desert Calico - Loeseliastrum matthewsii of the Phlox Family.
- Lizard - Lizard sunning on rock located in upper wash.
- Donkeys - Six out of twelve donkeys seen on hike.
- Indigo Bush - Psorothamnus arborescens of the Pea Family.
- Rock Nettle - Eucnide urens of the Loasa Family growing in lower canyon.
- King Snake - Medium-sized king snake encountered a little after sunset.
Bruce Canyon (March 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Desert Hyacinth #1 - Dichelostemma capitatum of the Lily Family.
- Desert Hyacinth #2 - Also known as Blue Dicks.
- Fiesta Flower - Pholistoma membranaceum of the Borage Family.
- Blazing Star - A species of Mentzelia of the Loasa Family.
- Common Pussypaws - Calyptridium monandrum of the Purslane Family.
- Chia - Salvia Columbariae if the Mint Family.
- Coreopsis - Leptosyne bigelovii of the Sunflower Family.
- Evening Snow - Linanthus dichotomus of the Phlox Family.
- Desert Paintbrush - Castilleja angustifolia of the Figwort Family.
- Whispering Bells - Emmenanthe penduliflora of the Borage Family.
North of Bruce (April 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Whispering Bells - Emmenanthe penduliflora of the Borage Family.
- Donkey - Donkey notices guy hiking down canyon.
- Two Donkeys #1 - Donkeys climbing out of canyon.
- Two Donkeys #2 - Donkeys pause to inspect hiker taking their picture.
- Trees - A small spring at about elevation 4000 feet.
- Horse #1 - Horse hanging out under tree surprised by hiker.
- Horse #2 - Horse running up side of canyon.
- Horse #3 - Horse reaching top of hill above canyon.
- Mojave Aster - Lots of these in bloom along course of hike.
- Loop Hike - Route taken on this hike.
Bruce Canyon Rim Loop (April 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mojave Aster - Plenty of this member of the Sunflower Family along hiking route.
- Desert Hyacinth - Also known as Blue Dicks this plant was also quite prevalent.
- North Rim View - Looking down Bruce Canyon from north rim just above Rock Spring.
- Copper Blazing Star - Quite a bit of this member of the Loasa Family on north rim of canyon.
- Spring - Unnamed spring in canyon north of Bruce Canyon.
- Willow Catkins - Close look at catkins of a willow tree at unnamed spring.
- Willow Trees - Trunks of willows and shallow pool of water at unnamed spring.
- Rattlesnake - Snake retreating for cover of small bush.
- Desert Collinsia - Desert Mountain Blue-Eyed Mary observed at about 4700' and no where else on route.
- Pussypaws - Calyptridium monandrum of the Purslane Family.
- Desert Paintbrush - Colorful plant which reliably shows up every spring.
- Coreopsis - Member of the Sunflower Family which is normally prevalent during the spring.
- Mine Tunnel - Prospect located directly across from the cabin at Cabin Spring.
- Cabin Spring - The inside of the cabin at Cabin Spring.
- Stinging Nettle - There is quite a thicket of this plant at Cabin Spring.
Bruce Canyon Loop (May 2016)
Quick view of trip pics
- Horny Toad - This guy was hanging out near the top of Orondo Canyon.
- Stone Cabin - Located near the last large spring up Bruce Canyon.
- Desert Calico #1 - A very large and vigorous colony in wash overlooking Homewood Canyon.
- Desert Calico #2 - Another close look at this attractive belly flower.
- Mexican Bladdersage - Interesting seedpods of this common desert shrub.
- Lizard #1 - Interesting lizard resting on a rock in canyon north of Bruce Canyon.
- Lizard #2 - Another look at this moderately large lizard.
- Mine Tunnel - Located a short distance beyond the Stone Cabin.
- Ruth Mine - Tailings piles have been removed along with a few structures.
- Loop Hike - Route taken up Bruce Canyon and down Orondo Canyon.
South of Slate Xing (January 2016)
Quick view of trip pics
- Donkeys #1 - There are ten donkeys in this group.
- Donkeys #2 - Two groups were spotted on this hike.
- Donkeys #3 - There were a total of eighteen donkeys in all.
- Donkeys #4 - Many years donkeys congregate in this area.
- Coreopsis #1 - These pictures were taken January 03, 2016.
- Coreopsis #2 - There were several dozen plants in bloom.
- Coreopsis #3 - Plant books give March to May as bloom period for Coreopsis.
- Coreopsis #4 - Nights had been particularly cold this year.
- Coreopsis #5 - Following three years of drought some rain fell in December.
- Coreopsis #6 - These plants were near top of second canyon south from Slate Xing.
Bruce Donkey Trail (March 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Golden Evening Primrose - This was extremely abundant all along route.
- Desert Hyacinth #1 - Lots of this flower all over the place!
- Desert Chicory - These flowers showed up here and there along the course of the hike.
- Notch-Leaf Phacelia #1 - Pretty purple flowers along with cottontop cactus and devil's lettuce.
- Notch-Leaf Phacelia #2 - A close look at these attractive purple flowers.
- Notch-Leaf Phacelia #3 - Lots of these flowers, especially around creosote bushes.
- Desert Paintbrush #1 - A few of these were found mostly near top of ridges.
- Desert Paintbrush #2 - Another plant producing bright red flowers.
- Snake's Head - This plant was prevalent near areas with lots of igneous rock.
- Desert Hyacinth #2 - A patch of desert hyacinth. Notice more plants in the background.
Bruce Area (October 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Maturango - Looking north towards Maturango (Parkinson and Parrot Point actually visible).
- Telescope - View of Telescope from somewhere between Orondo Mine and Bruce Canyon (elevation about 5000 feet).
- Slate View - The northern portion of the Slate Range late in the afternoon.
- Manly Donkeys - Silhouette of donkeys with Manly Peak in the background.
- Tarantula - It's October and so naturally there are large spiders scurrying around in the desert.
Bruce Donkey Trail (March 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- P13 - BLM road marker near Inyo dump site near mouth of Homewood Canyon.
- P7 - BLM road marker at intersection along way to Bruce Canyon.
- Donkey Trail #1 - Section of donkey trail heading over ridge north of Bruce Canyon.
- Donkey Trail #2 - Section of donkey trail about a mile north of Bruce Canyon.
- Donkey Trail #3 - The trail heads over ridge and into canyon north of Bruce.
- Donkey Trail #4 - Dropping into unnamed canyon north of Bruce.
- Unnamed Canyon View - A couple miles up canyon with Manly Peak covered in clouds in background.
- Donkey Trail #5 - Climbing out of unnamed canyon.
- Ridge View - Clouds and rocks on south ridge of unnamed canyon.
- Peach Spring - Section of trail dropping steeply into Bruce Canyon.
Rosy Boa and Donkeys (October 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Tongue #1 - Close look at tongue of rosy boa.
- Licking Hand - Crawling up to and licking human hand.
- Tongue #2 - Another look at extended snake tongue.
- Tongue #3 - Blurry look at rapidly moving tongue.
- Snake Crawling - This guy was hanging out on north ridge of Bruce Canyon.
- Peach Spring - Mass of grape vines as seen from ridge on north side of Bruce Canyon.
- Telescope Peak - View of Telescope Peak with Slate Range Crossing in foreground.
- Four Donkeys - Small group of donkeys a half mile north of Bruce Canyon.
- Manly Peak - Slate Range and Manly Peak as seen from ridge less than a mile north of Bruce Canyon.
- Donkey - Donkey trotting along ridge less than a mile north of Bruce Canyon.
Bruce Canyon (July 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Pipe #1 - Miles of pipe remain throughout the length of Bruce Canyon.
- Stone Structure - Small stone structure near one of the springs.
- Donkeys #1 - Group of three donkeys high on the slope above the canyon.
- Donkeys #2 - Six donkeys spotted on this hike, but only three photographed.
- Donkeys #3 - Another photo of the three donkeys.
- Scarlet Monkeyflower #1 - Nice patches of this plant are found near the springs in Bruce Canyon.
- Scarlet Monkeyflower #2 - A close-up side view of the flower.
- Nettle - Nettle also grows at each of the springs in Bruce Canyon.
- Sandpaper Plant - Petalonyx thurberi of the Loasa Family.
- Pipe #2 - Another section of pipe running up and down the canyon.
Orondo Mine Area (February 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Homewood Canyon - View from north rim of Homewood Canyon.
- Orondo Tailings #1 - Large tailings pile visible in shadows in about the middle of the image.
- Orondo Tailings #2 - Another view of upper tailings pile.
- Mine Ruins - Cement structure near main opening of Orondo Mine.
- More Ruins - Foundation of a structure near mine opening.
- Orondo View - Looking down canyon with upper and lower tailings piles visible.
- Even More Ruins - Some sort of bin between upper tailings pile and mine opening.
- Upper Tailings #1 - Another look at the upper tailings pile.
- Road Below Pile - Rutted road leads down the canyon to the lower tailings piles.
- Upper Tailings #2 - View of upper tailings from lower down the canyon.
Slate Range Xing Area (February 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Telescope #1 - Looking across Panamint Valley from south rim of Water Canyon.
- Telescope #2 - The peak partially obscured by clouds just before sunset.
- Slate Range #1 - View across Searles Valley from south rim of Water Canyon.
- Slate Range #2 - Shadows on Slate Range late in the afternoon.
- Gopher Snake - Flash used to photograph snake during late dusk. (March 2011)
North of Bruce Canyon (February 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Box Thorn #1 - Box thorn flower near mouth of Bruce Canyon.
- Box Thorn #2 - Another box thorn flower.
- Fremont Phacelia #1 - Patches of this flower were scattered all along route.
- Fremont Phacelia #2 - These early bloomers were on the short side for this plant.
- Fremont Phacelia #3 - Petals look somewhat pale in full sun.
- Slate Range Xing - Looking north along base of Argus Range towards Slate Range Crossing
- Fiesta Flower #1 - Lots of fiesta flower growing at the base of bushes.
- Fiesta Flower #2 - More fiesta flower mixed in with other vegetation.
- Telescope - Telescope Peak behind Slate Range with clouds and snow.
- Route Map - Two and a half miles each way along western edge of Searles Valley.
North of Bruce Canyon (February 2009)
Quick view of trip pics
- Rock Pea - Rock pea flower near the mouth of Bruce Canyon.
- Desert Dandelion 01 - Desert dandelion near mouth of Bruce Canyon.
- Desert Dandelion 02 - Flowers of this plant were somewhat abundant.
- Fiesta Flower - Fiesta flower was all over the place!
- Broad-Flowered Gilia - Quite a lot of these flowers were observed.
- Coreopsis - This flower was especially abundant!
- Popcorn Flower - This small, but interesting plant, was producing plenty of flowers.
- Box Thorn - Many box thorn bushes had flowers while others seemed to be waiting.
- Miner's Lettuce - There were many plants tucked along the south side of an unnamed canyon.
- Woolly Daisy - This belly flower was busy blooming, but no plants had more than one bloom so far.
- Rock Daisy - This specimen was growing about five feet up on a rock wall.
- Whispering Bells - Growing just a few feet from the rock daisies were a few clusters of this plant.
- Horse 01 - A little blurry due to low light of twilight.
- Horse 02 - Another picture of the horse that either has a bloated belly or is pregnant.
- Horse 03 - Silhouette of the horse.
Bruce Canyon (October 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Rock Spring #1 - Rock Spring is located between Peach Spring and Cabin Spring.
- Rock Spring #2 - Thick reeds at Rock Spring.
- Rock Spring #3 - More reeds at Rock Spring.
- Nighshade #1 - Lots of nightshade growing around Rock Spring!
- Vegetation - Shallow pool with vegetation around it at Rock Spring.
- Nightshade #2 - More nightshade!
- Rock Structure - Small rock structure located between Rock Spring and Cabin Spring.
- Rock Wall - Rock wall located near rock structure.
- Wheelbarrow - Old, rusty wheelbarrow a little ways down the canyon from Cabin Springs.
- Pipes - Some pipes just below Cabin Springs.
- Mine Shaft - Looking down the canyon towards mine shaft that is immediately above the cabin at Cabin Springs.
- Mojave Aster - A dried out Mojave Aster plant awaiting resurrection.
- Slate Range Crossing - View of Slate Range Crossing from two miles north of mouth of Bruce Canyon.
- Manly Peak - View of Manly Peak from two miles north of mouth of Bruce Canyon.
- Tarantula - Tarantula near mouth of Bruce Canyon.
North of Bruce (April 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Phacelia - Abundant phacelia encountered below 3500'.
- Blazing Star - Tons of blazing star up to 4200'.
- Exploratory Roads - Roads from recent mineral exploration on north side of Water Canyon.
- Mojave Aster - Lots of aster on ridge above Water Canyon.
- Side Canyons - View of two side canyons to north of Water Canyon.
- Gilia - Plenty of gilia scattered around the area.
- Desert Paintbrush - Nice plant on ridge overlooking Water Canyon.
- Blazing Star - There were numerous small fields of this plant.
- Blazing Star - More small plants overlooking Water Canyon.
- Side Canyon - Side canyon to north of Water Canyon that contains many springs.
- Desert Hyacinth - This plant was abundant from below 3000' up to 4800'.
- More Hyacinth - It was very difficult to take good pictures due to strong winds.
- Devil's Lettuce - Another plant in great abundance.
- Ephedra A few of these were scattered around.
- Hyacinth Blooms - View at 4800' looking across to Manly Peak.
- Slate Range Crossing - View at 4800' looking down on highway.
- Mariposa Lily - There were thousands of these ready to bloom.
- Telescope - View across Panamint Valley from 4800'.
- Miner's Lettuce - Plenty of this stuff scattered around the area.
- Maturango - Looking north along Argus Range from 4800'.
- Scale Bud - Plant found in next wash north of Bruce Canyon.
- Lupines #1 - Plants found in seep to the north of Bruce Canyon.
- Lupines #2 - More lupines near seep looking down wash towards Searles Valley.
- Lomatium - Plant growing out of crack between rocks.
- Purple Mat - Plant in wash between Water Canyon and Bruce Canyon.
Bruce Canyon (February 2007)
Quick view of trip pics
- Old Bottle #1 - Old bottle found near mouth of Bruce Canyon.
- Old Bottle #2 - Another picture of old bottle.
- Manly Peak - Looking across Searles Valley to the east.
- Mouth of Bruce - Looking down mouth of canyon from ridge.
- First Spring - View of first spring from north ridge.
- Second Spring - View of another spring from ridge.
- Stack on Ridge - Old mine claim on north side of canyon.
- Telescope - Looking beyond Slate Range crossing towards Panamint Range.
- BLM bottle page - Information about old bottles.
North of Bruce (May 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Coyote #1 - Coyote in canyon in Argus Range south of Water Canyon.
- Coyote #2 - Another coyote in same area. The pair split up and ran off in opposite directions.
- Canyon #1 - Looking down canyon from top of canyon. This canyon is immediately south of Water Canyon.
- Canyon #2 - Looking up canyon from middle of canyon.
- Canyon #3 - Taken from canyon looking back at ridge above Water Canyon.
- Canyon #4 - Taken from ridge above Water Canyon (4,900') looking south into unnamed canyon.
- Maturango #1 - Taken from ridge above Water Canyon looking north toward Maturango Peak.
- Maturango #2 - Taken from ridge above Water Canyon looking north toward Maturango Peak (a little further to the west than the last picture).
- Mine #1 - Far view of mine tunnel opening.
- Mine #2 - Close view of mine tunnel opening.
- Mine #3 - Inside mine. The mine is located about two or three miles west of the highway and about three-fourths of a mile south of Water Canyon.
- Seep #1 - Seep in canyon south of Water Canyon.
- Seep #2 - Seep in canyon south of Water Canyon.
- Seep #3 - Seep in canyon south of Water Canyon.
- Mine Tunnel #1 - Mine tunnel above Water Canyon on south slope about two miles in from highway.
- Mine Tunnel #2 - Close view of mine tunnel above Water Canyon.
- Water Canyon #1 - Water Canyon looking east into Panamint Valley.
- Water Canyon #2 - Water Canyon looking west toward military base.
Davenport Mine (May 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Davenport #1 - The vertical shaft is 700 feet deep.
- Davenport #2 - Mine structure at the Davenport Mine.
- Davenport #3 - View towards Panamints from Davenport Mine.
- Orondo Tailings #1 - Looking up the road towards tailings piles below the Orondo Mine.
- Orondo Tailings #2 - Looking along the base of the tailings piles towards the Orondo Mine.
- Tailings Dust - Kids kicking up dust playing on tailings pile.
Bruce Canyon (May 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Cabin #1 - Remains of cabin a few miles up Bruce Canyon.
- Cabin #2 - Rock walls of cabin.
- Cabin #3 - View of corner of the cabin.
- Cabin Springs - Spring below the cabin.
- Cabin View From Above - Looking down on cabin.
- Bruce Prospects - Tunnel near cabin.
- Pipe Near Mine Entrance - Pipe used as rail in tunnel above cabin.
- Square Mine Tunnel - Another tunnel in the area.
- Water Pipe #1 - Rusty pipe at bottom of canyon.
- Water Pipe #2 - Rusty pipe fitted to go around bend.
- Water Pipe #3 - Interesting section of rusty pipe.
- Bruce Fishtrap - Apparently used to keep debris out of pipe.
- Mineralization - Rocks with leaf-like mineralization patterns.
- Mine - Tunnel near Bruce Canyon.
- Wasp Nest #1 - Wasp nests under boulder.
- Wasp Nest #2 - More examples of wasp nests.
- Snake #1 - Rosy boa playing dead.
- Snake #2 - Another view of rosy boa.
- Fern #1 - Fern growing in crack in rock.
- Fern #2 - More fern growing in rock crevice.
- Lichen and Bird - Bird amidst lichen-covered rocks.
- Saddle Over Canyon - Bruce Canyon on other side of saddle.
- Dripping Springs - Spring area in side canyon south of Bruce.
- View Down Canyon - Looking down toward mouth of canyon.
- Wild Horses #1 - Horses about a mile south of Bruce Canyon at top of side canyon.
- Wild Horses #2 - Another view of group of horses.
- Wild Horses #3 - Third view of wild horses.
- Slate View - View across Searles Valley of Slate Range.
- Prospects - View of tunnels from across canyon.
- Mine Wall - Wall in front of mine tunnel opening.