Near Argus Peak (May 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Water Pipe - Old rusty water pipe in Crow Canyon.
- Lupine - Bug crawling on purple lupine flowers.
- Nevada Onion - Butterfly on Nevada Onion flowers.
- Yucca Seed Pods #1 - Cluster of seed pods on Joshua Tree.
- Milkvetch - Seed pods on a milkvetch plant. Several observed.
- Desert Calico - Loeseliastrum matthewsii of the Phlox Family.
- Wild Horse - White horse galloping below Argus Peak near Wilson Canyon.
- Mojave Aster - Xylorhiza tortifolia of the Sunflower Family.
- Mountain View #1 - View of Argus Range from 4900 feet.
- Mountain View #2 - Another view looking north along Argus Range.
- Joshua Tree - Large specimen at 5200 feet with Slate Range in far background.
- Trona Peak - Looking across Wilson Canyon towards at Trona Peak.
- Mountain View #3 - Yet another look at a portion of the Argus Range just north of Argus Peak.
- Palmer's Sun Cup - Tetrapteron palmeri of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Thistle Flower Bud - Small insect waiting for flower bud to bloom.
- Yucca Seed Pods #2 - There were lots of Joshua Trees with lots of seed pods!
- Thistle Patch - A group of thistles growing at about 5100 feet.
- Scale Bud - Anisocoma acaulis of the Sunflower Family.
- Four O'Clock - Mirabilis alipes of the Four O'Clock Family.
- Desert Holly - Atriplex hymenelytra of the Goosefoot Family.
Rusky Cabin Area (April 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Blackbrush - Coleogyne ramosissima of the Rose Family.
- Sand-Wash Groundsel - Senecio flaccidus of the Sunflower Family.
- California Kingsnake #1 - Healthy snake a little over three feet in length.
- California Kingsnake #2 - Coiled up and ready for action.
- Russian Cabin - Looking up the canyon from this lonely shack.
- Lupine Bush - Perennial member of the Pea Family.
- Petroglyph #1 - Interesting pattern on a rock up around 5400 feet.
- Petroglyph #2 - Looks a little bit like a big horn sheep.
- Mariposa Lily #1 - Calochortus kennedyi of the Lily Family.
- Horses #1 - Group of twenty-three horses encountered near petroglyph area.
- Horses #2 - A couple young horses on right side of image.
- Horses #3 - Two adults and one very young horse.
- Horses #4 - A bunch of horses scattering before leaving area.
- Mariposa Lily #2 - The lilies in the petroglyph area were very impressive.
- Desert Collinsia - Collinsia callosa in the Plantain Family.
Near Argus Peak (September 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Two Horses - These two guys were just above the top of Crow Canyon.
- Minesite Ruins #1 - Some timbers and pipes.
- Minesite Ruins #2 - Another angle with same timbers and pipes.
- Minesite Ruins #3 - Foundation a little uphill from previous two pics.
- Old Stone Hut - Part of a mostly collapsed stone hut about a half mile from minesite.
- One Horse - Neat coloration on this equine!
- Leaky Water Pipe - Popular watering spot frequented by horses.
- More Horses - These guys were hanging around the water pipe, but left when I arrived.
- Turds With A View - Fresh brownies left by horses.
- Trona Peak - Trona Peak looks surprisingly similar to Argus Peak from this angle.
Argus Peak (May 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Crow Canyon - Looking down on spring area in Crow Canyon.
- Hole In Rock - Small hole at about the center of the image.
- Great Falls Basin #1 - Looking down on Great Falls Basin.
- Great Falls Basin #2 - Lots of springs. Just look for green.
- Pinyon Pines - Some rocks and pines near "secret passage."
- More Rocks - Route upward through steep section of route.
- Walrus Rock #1 - With a little imagination you see two tusks.
- Trail Marker - Helpful marker to help hikers find the way.
- Trona Peak - Looking down and to south upon Trona Peak.
- 2000 Entry - Old entry from March of 2000.
- Summit Sign - Rocks at top of the mountain.
- Walrus Rock #2 - Side view of the mighty tusks.
- Hobbit Hut #1 - Home of the Argus Mountain hobbit. Do not disturb.
- Hobbit Hut #2 - Another view of oddly shaped rock.
- Rock Spire - Lots of lichen on these rocks.
Near Argus Peak (May 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Chukar #1 - A chubby chukar posing for the camera!
- Chukar #2 - This guy must have really wanted to have his picture taken!
- Water Line #1 - All sorts of water lines all over the place on this hike.
- Argus Peak #1 - Looking up in the direction of the peak.
- More Rocks - Somewhere above the highest visible point is the peak.
- C Rock - Rock shaped like the letter C.
- Water Line #2 - Some bush lupine growing near pipe.
- Argus Peak #2 - Looking towards the peak from a greater distance.
- Splatter Pattern - Interesting pattern near base of rock.
- Large Pipe - Large pipe located near spring with Argus and Trona Peaks in background.
- Water Trough - Pipe and empty trough near another spring.
- Moscow Canyon - Looking down towards rim of Moscow Canyon.
- Yerba Mansa - Plants sprouting up after cold winter months.
- Water Line #3 - Water line dropping down over rocks.
- Water Line #4 - Loop which appears to be completely unnecessary.
- Princes' Plume - Attractive flowers of Stanleya pinnata.
- Donkeys in Canyon - Seven donkeys hanging out in canyon.
- Donkeys on Slope - Same group of donkeys on slope of canyon.
- Horny Toad - Larger than average specimen enjoying late afternoon sun.
- Ruins #1 - Ruins north of Moscow Canyon.
- Ruins #2 - Very large timbers with large pipe at bottom of slope.
- Three Horses - Wild horses up the canyon from ruins.
- Tree Yuccas - Bunch of yuccas further up the canyon from the horses.
- Ruins #3 - Another look at large timbers and pipe.
- Ruins #4 - Stone structure located above timbers and pipe.
Rattlesnake Springs (January 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mine Marker - Old fashioned mine claim marker (aka, pile of rocks).
- Three Donkeys - These guys were near the bottom of Mumford Canyon.
- Eight Donkeys - This group was just a short distance from Rattlesnake Springs.
- Nine Donkeys - Mostly the same donkeys as in previous image.
- Seven Donkeys - Subset of previous two images.
- Boulders - Somewhere between the donkeys and the spring.
- More Boulders - Looking east from Rattlesnake Springs.
- Lots of Boulders - Looking down from well above the springs.
- Upper Canyon - Rattlesnake Springs faintly visible towards bottom of drainage.
- Route Map - Route taken on this hike.
Rusky Cabin (April 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Upper Canyon - View of canyon above Rusky Cabin toward petroglyph area.
- Rusky Cabin #1 - View of cabin from up the canyon.
- Writing on Cabin - Close look at writing on side of cabin.
- Rusky Cabin #2 - View of cabin from east side of canyon.
- Lupines - Bush lupines growing near cabin.
- Rusky Cabin #3 - The door is leaning against the doorway. No longer attached.
- Rusky Cabin #4 - View of cabin and vegetation from lower in canyon.
- Ruby Spring - Pool of water near cabin.
- Pollywogs - Tadpoles swimming in pool of water.
- Rusky Cabin #5 - Looking down on cabin from west side of canyon.
- Argus Peak - Looking south towards Argus Peak.
- Purple Mat - Nama demissum of the Borage Family.
- Mojave Aster - Lots of these flowers throughout course of hike.
- Indigo Bush - Psorothamnus arborescens of the Pea Family.
- Wishbone Bush - Mirabilis laevis of the Four O'Clock Family.
Rattlesnake/Mohawk Loop (December 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mohawk #1 - West entrance to Mohawk Mine above Rattlesnake Canyon.
- Mohawk #2 - Another view of west entrance to Mohawk Mine.
- Motorcyle Tracks - Heavy use by motorcycles has caused a lot of erosion in Rattlesnake Canyon.
- Mohawk #3 - East entrance to Mohawk Mine.
- Mohawk #4 - Wide view of east entrance to Mohawk Mine.
- Mohawk #5 - Another view of east entrance to mine.
- Mohawk #6 - Yet another look at the east entrance to the mine.
- Mine Debris - Various items near east entrance.
- Mohawk Roads - Roads near east entrance.
- P19 Marker - Road marker just east of Mohawk Mine.
Rattlesnake Springs (January 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Scary Face - Interesting 'expression' on boulder near end of road in Crow Canyon.
- Scary and Friends - Other boulders near Scary Face boulder.
- Rock Formation #1 - Interesting rock formation in upper Great Falls Basin.
- Millipede - Could be a centipede for all I know, I was never good with the metric system!
- Buckwheat Flower - It may be only January, but this plant is getting busy!
- White Sheet - Blue sky under solid white sheet of clouds.
- Pipe - Pipe and spring located in upper Great Falls Basin.
- Table Rock - It's actually about the right size for a table!
- Another Face - This rock face was just south of Rattlesnake Springs.
- Rock Pea - Another plant producing flowers during Winter!
- Faces on the Boulders - Video filmed on this hike!
Sidehill Spring (November 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Tarantula #1 - Tarantula in Rattlesnake Canyon.
- Tarantula #2 - This guy was within site of the Mohawk mine.
- Tarantula #3 - Near the mouth of the canyon to Sidehill Spring.
- Tarantula #4 - All four tarantula pics are of the same specimen.
- Sidehill Spring #1 - It pretty much lives up to its name!
- Sidehill Spring #2 - Notice fence around perimeter of spring!
- Pothole Spring - Spring near bottom of Mumford Canyon at center of picture.
- Rattlesnake Springs - Cluster of springs near top of Mumford Canyon.
- Sidehill Spring #3 - Another view of spring and fence around it.
- Daypack Song - Video filmed on this hike!
Mumford Canyon (December 2009)
Quick view of trip pics
- Asses of Asses - Backends of seven donkeys.
- Group of Donkeys - Six of the burros facing the camera this time.
- Tortoise Shell - Unoccupied tortoise shell.
- USGS Marker - USGS marker a mile or so up canyon from end of dirt road.
- Goldenback Fern - Lots of this fern growing under shade of rocks.
- Burnt Area #1 - Signs of recent fire at Rattlesnake Springs.
- Muddy Area - Boggy area below main spring.
- Willow Thicket - Clump of small trees at Rattlesnake Springs.
- Rock Wall - Huge boulder above main spring.
- Boulder Landscape - Interesting patterns and colors of boulders in Mumford Canyon.
- Burnt Area #2 - Another view of charred area.
Rattlesnake/Mohawk Loop (December 2009)
Quick view of trip pics
- Water Pipeline #1 - Rusty pipeline just north of Great Falls Basin.
- Water Pipeline #2 - Connection between two sections of pipe.
- Water Pipeline #3 - Cylinder above section of pipe.
- Rock Foundation #1 - Foundation stones of cabin in Rattlesnake Canyon.
- Rock Foundation #2 - Another rock foundation just beyond end of dirt road.
- Rock Foundation #3 - Alternative view of remains of cabin.
- Fence Poles - Fence poles and cable just east of Mohawk Mine.
- Rattlesnake Road - Looking down on road through Rattlesnake Canyon from north ridge.
- Loop Hike - Map of loop hike up Rattlesnake Canyon and down unnamed canyon to north.
Veto Mine (December 2009)
Quick view of trip pics
- Water Pipeline - Section of water pipe just south of mouth of Homewood Canyon.
- Veto Cabin #1 - Look inside block cabin below Veto Mine.
- Mill Ruins #1 - Ruins of mill below mine tunnel.
- Mine Shaft - Top of mine shaft just south of mill ruins.
- Mill Ruins #2 - View of mill ruins from mine shaft tailings pile.
- Inyo County Dump - Dump site at mouth of Homewood Canyon.
- Homewood Canyon - Looking up Homewood Canyon from ridge just north of Veto Mine.
- Telescope Snow - View across Slate Range at Telescope late in the day.
- Tailings Piles - Veto Mine site with two tailings piles and mill ruins.
- Rusty Contraption - An old appliance of some kind.
- Structure Two - Remains of structure between cabin and mill.
- Cabin #2 - Interesting rock walls of cabin.
- Cabin #3 - Looking through cabin windows.
- Cabin #4 - Grafitti spray-painted on cabin wall.
- Cabin #5 - Patio, cabin, road, and hilltop.
Rusky Cabin Area (April 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Desert Pincushion - This plant was all over the place througout the hike.
- Argus Peak - View of Argus Peak from the north.
- Fremont Phacelia - Flower along the route to the Rusky Cabin.
- Ruth Mine - Looking across Homewood Canyon and towards Searles Valley.
- Apricot Mallow - Lots of blooms in wash below the cabin.
- Cactus Flowers - Beavertail Cactus in bloom near the cabin.
- Whispering Bells - Only noticed this one a couple of times on this hike.
- Rock Pea - Lots of this in the wash below the cabin.
- Yucca - Tall yucca in bloom and the back wall of the cabin.
- Lupine #1 - Lots of lupine in the wash near the cabin.
- Lupine #2 - More lupine growing near the Rusky Cabin.
- Yucca Petals - Some petals below the yucca plants pictured above.
- Mojave Aster - A fly in the middle of an aster flower.
- Yucca Fruit - Fruit growing on yucca plant behind the Rusky Cabin.
- Rusky Cabin Video - A video I shot while at the Rusky Cabin.
Homewood Canyon (May 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Homewood View #1 - Structures and residences.
- Homewood View #2 - More structures and residences.
- Homewood View #3 - Overview of lower portion of canyon.
- Homewood View #4 - Group of trees and some roads.
- Homewood View #5 - Scattered structures and residences.
- Homewood View #6 - Another group of structures and residence.
- Homewood View #7 - Horses and road.
- Homewood View #8 - Another view of canyon.
- Ruth Mine View - Overview of Ruth Mine.
- Antennas - Antennas on top of hill above mouth of canyon.
- Antennas and Shack - Hillside with antennaes at top.
- Crow Canyon - Looking up Crow Canyon from near Mohawk Mine.
- Inside Shack - Inside old wooden shack and tunnel.
- Junk on Hill - Probably broken antennas.
- Mohawk Mine #1 - Large ore container.
- Mohawk Mine #2 - Foundation and tunnel.
- Pioneer Point - View from hilltop above Homewood Canyon.
- Shack - View of mine shack and tailings pile.
- Rattlesnake Canyon - Looking up the canyon that leads to Mohawk Mine.
- Ruth Mine - Tailings piles and old structures.
Rusky Cabin (May 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Rusky Cabin #1 - View of cabin and surrounding landscape.
- Rusky Cabin #2 - Squinting into the sun view of cabin.
- Rusky Cabin #3 - View of back of cabin.
- Rusky Cabin #4 - Cabin, stone wall, and yuccas.
- Rusky Cabin #5 - Another view of the cabin.
- Inside Cabin #1 - Items hanging from ceiling.
- Inside Cabin #2 - More items in cabin.
- Inside Cabin #3 - Trekking permit on wall of cabin.
- Words On Cabin #1 - Journal entry on wall of cabin.
- Words On Cabin #2 - Another journal entry.
- Words On Cabin #3 - More words written on corregated steal.
- Words On Cabin #4 - Full paragraph on wall of cabin.
- Words On Cabin #5 - References to war and some dates.
- Words On Cabin #6 - Something about Germans.
- Door Sign - Sign on inside of door to cabin.
- Donkey Bones - Donkey skeleton near cabin.
- Burn #1 - Burn area near cabin.
- Burn #2 - More of burnt area near cabin.
- Burn #3 - Fire started by jet crash in summer of 2005.
- Burn #4 - The fire got to within half mile of cabin.
- Retardant Spots #1 - Pink spots on rocks.
- Retardant Spots #2 - Rock speckled with pink stuff.
- Retardant Spots #3 - More rocks with pink spots.
- Petroglyph #1 - Petroglyph up canyon from cabin.
- Petroglyph #2 - More interesting petroglyphs.