Lake Hill and Panamint Dunes
The Lake Hill area is at the north end of Panamint Valley. The main
attractions here are Panamint Springs Resort, Lake Hill, the Big Four Mine, and the
Panamint Sand Dunes. A single dirt road provides access to Lake Hill, the
Big Four Mine, and Panamint Dunes. The dirt road gets progressively rougher
as it gets closer to the Big Four Mine. It's possible to drive beyond the
Big Four Mine in a suitable equiped vehicle! (Click here
for area map)

Canyon East of Panamint Dunes (April 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Panamint Dunes - The dunes as seen from pullout where dirt road turns east.
- Rock Nettle - Nice close look at this denizen of the desert.
- Spineflower - Close look at the tiny flowers of this inconspicuous, but abundant plant.
- Death Valley Goldeneye - Attractive flowers on this tough desert plant.
- Ground Cherry - Interesting seed pods on this plant!
- Calthaleaf Phacelia - This plant was plentiful near the mouth of the canyon.
- Dry Fall - This sixty to eighty foot wall was climbable, but risky.
- Poppy Plants - A group of poppies a little ways down from the dry fall.
- Lake Hill - Lake Hill as seen from near the mouth of the canyon.
- Alluvial Fan - Drainage gouged into fan below mouth of nearby canyon.
Panamint Dunes (March 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- The Dunes - View of entire span of dunes from the south.
- Argus Range - Looking at Zinc Hill and the Argus Range from edge of dunes.
- More Dunes - The dunes with mountains to the northeast.
- Sandy Plant - Interesting plant forming mounds in the sand.
- Even More Dunes - Dunes with mountains to the northwest.
- Lake Hill - Lake hill with the Panamint Range in the background.
- Milkvetch Plant - Milkvetch plant in bloom.
- Milkvetch Flowers - A couple colonies of milkvetch were the only plants blooming!
- Dune Patterns - Interesting curves of dune ridges.
- View From Top - Looking south towards Lake Hill from crest of dunes.
- Sand Dune Video - Video created from clips taken during this hike.
Panamint Dunes (April 2009)
Quick view of trip pics
- Sand Verbena - A cluster of flowers on sand verbena plant.
- Bristly Langloisia - A few bristly langloisia flowers.
- Creosote Mounds - Mounds of sand forming around creosote bushes.
- Milkvetch - Milkvetch plant with seed pods.
- Prickly Poppy #1 - There was a lot of prickly poppy in bloom at the dunes!
- Prickly Poppy #2 - Field of prickly poppy just below dunes.
- Prickly Poppy #3 - More prickly poppy on southwest side of dune area.
- Prickly Poppy #4 - Another view of field of prickly poppy.
- Prickly Poppy #5 - Close up look at prickly poppy flower.
- Lilac Sunbonnet - Dotted flowers of Langloisia setosissima.
- Eremalche - Eremalche plant getting close to producing flowers.
- Prickly Poppy #6 - Prickly poppies above main dune area.
- Prickly Poppy #7 - View looking down from above dune area.
- Dune View - Another view from above dunes with Argus Range in the background.
------- two weeks later ------
- Bottle Washer - Bottle washer plant growing between Lake Hill and the Dunes.
- Keysia - Keysia not quite yet in bloom.
- Tiquilia - Tiny tiquilia flowers.
- Grinding Pot - A portable Native American grinding pot.
- Mojave Aster #1 - Some of the asters seemed to be almost iridescent purple.
- Snake - Small snake slithering away into a hole under a bush.
- Mojave Aster #2 - And other asters were almost white.
- Above Dunes - Looking down on dunes from just above 3100 feet.
Panamint Dunes (March 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Junk Car #1 - Two junk cars with Lake Hill in the background.
- Junk Car #2 - Another view of one of the junk cars.
- Lake Hill #1 - Lake Hill from starting point for hike to dunes.
- Dunes Far - Dunes from starting point of hike.
- Lake Hill #2 - View of Lake Hill along route to dunes.
- Lizard - Lizard along route to dunes.
- Dunes Medium - View of dunes about a mile from starting point.
- Lake Hill #3 - Another look at Lake Hill.
- Lemoigne - The north fork of Lemoigne Road ends at the top of this wash.
- Panamint Butte - View of Panamint Butte looming above Big Four Mine.
- Argus Range - A view looking toward Maturango Peak from just below the dunes.
- Panamint Range - A view looking toward Telescope Peak from just below the dunes.
- Sand Verbena - A nice specimen growing in the sand around the dunes.
- Spectacle Pod - There was an abundance of this plant on this trip.
- Cryptantha - Lots of forget-me-not... most of it not quite in bloom yet.
- Creosote Some bushes on the outskirts of the dune area.
- Dunes #1 - At the dunes looking toward Maturango Peak.
- Dunes #2 - Smaller dunes north of tallest dunes.
- Dunes #3 - More dunes on north side of area.
- Dunes #4 - Another view of dunes looking toward Hunter Mountain.
- Dunes #5 - View of some of the larger dunes.
- Dunes #6 - View from top of dunes looking toward Lake Hill.
- Dunes #7 - Another view from top of dunes looking toward Lake Hill.
- Dunes #8 - Looking north with one of the larger dunes in the foreground.
- Dunes #9 - Looking down on interesting dune formation to the south.
- Dunes #10 - Looking east toward Panamint Butte.
- Dunes #11 - Looking west late in the afternoon into the sun.
- Dunes #12 - Footprints down face of large dune.
- Dunes #13 - Large dunes at close range.
- Moonrise - Moon rising over Panamint Butte.
Lake Hill Area (May 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Baby Rattler - Baby rattle snake found in rocky wash about a mile above Big Four Mine.
- Benchmark - Benchmark on top of Lake Hill.
- Big Four Mine - Ore shoots at Big Four Mine.
- Canyon View - View looking down canyon about three-quarters of a mile above Big Four Mine.
- Dry Fall - Dry fall at the end of the road about two-thirds of a mile above the Big Four Mine.
- Dunes #1 - View of Panamint Dunes from top of Lake Hill.
- Dunes #2 - View of Panamint Dunes from where dirt road turns to head on up to Big Four Mine.
- Dunes #3 - View of Panamint Dunes from about a mile up the canyon from Big Four Mine.
- Dunes #4 - View of Panamint Dunes from ridge about a mile up from the Big Four Mine.
- Dunes #5 - View of Panamint Dunes from top of canyon about a mile and a half from Big Four Mine.
- Holes #1 - Holes in rock wall at top of canyon about a mile and a half from Big Four Mine.
- Holes #2 - Another view of holes in rock wall at top of canyon above Big Four Mine.
- Lake Hill #1 - A view of Lake Hill from the highway.
- Lake Hill #2 - Lake Hill from above the Big Four Mine.
- South View - View looking south from top of Lake Hill.
- Panamint Springs - View of Panamint Springs from near Lake Hill.
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