Lee Flat
Lee Flat is located just west of the north end of Panamint Valley. Mostly this is an area that people pass through on their way to Saline Valley, Hunter Mountain, or the Malpais/Conglomerate/Nelson area, but there are several features that make Lee Flat noteworthy. A rather large Joshua tree forest is found here, there is the Box Car Cabin, and this is also an area where cattle graze. On top of that, there are mine sites and interesting canyons that connect to Panamint Valley from this area. (Click here for area map)

Lee Flat (May 2013)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Lee Mine #1 - Tailings piles and rusty cans.
  2. Lee Mine #2 - Stone wall on hillside and trench.
  3. Lee Mine #3 - Tailings pile (there are a couple mine shafts nearby).
  4. Lee Mine #4 - Stone wall near silver mill.
  5. Silver Mill #1 - Stone and concrete remains of silver mill.
  6. Silver Mill #2 - A look at silver mill remains from another angle.
  7. Old Car - One of the rusty old cars left at the site.
  8. Lee Mine #5 - Looking toward silver mill with yucca in foreground.
  9. Yucca #1 - Joshua tree at Lee Flat.
  10. Yucca #2 - Lots of yuccas at Lee Flat.
  11. Yucca #3 - Even more Joshua trees at Lee Flat.
  12. Yucca #4 - A whole bunch more yuccas at the aforementioned flat.
  13. Yucca #5 - A rather large yucca!
  14. Yucca #6 - Lots more Joshua trees at Lee Flat.
  15. Yucca #7 - A cluster of yucca flowers at previously mentioned flat.
Lee Flat (April 2012)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Box Car Cabin #1 - Front of cabin with nearby fire pit.
  2. Wall Art - A small sampling of the wall art on display inside the cabin.
  3. Fancy Window - Decorated window on back wall of cabin.
  4. Outhouse - Rodents had made a mess with the toilet paper inside the outhouse.
  5. Box Car Cabin #2 - Another view of this small cabin.
  6. Large Joshua Tree - This one was well over thirty feet tall.
  7. Joshua Tree Forest #1 - A particularly healthy section of this impressive forest.
  8. Joshua Tree Forest #2 - More good-sized Joshua trees.
  9. Joshua Tree Forest #3 - More Joshua trees dispersed around Lee Flat.
  10. Evening Primrose - Small evening primrose plant in wash on west side of Lee Flat.
  11. Joshua Trees - A couple large specimens near eastern edge of Lee Flat.
  12. Telescope Peak - Looking across Panamint Valley towards Panamint Range.
  13. Eastern Edge - Looking east towards slope into Panamint Valley.
  14. Maturango Peak - Looking southeast towards Argus Range.
  15. Lee Wash - Upper section of Lee Wash just before it drops into Panamint Valley.
  16. Wilson Ranch #1 - Water trough and yuccas.
  17. Wilson Ranch #2 - Water trough and more yuccas.
  18. Wilson Ranch #3 - Two water towers standing side by side.
  19. Wilson Ranch #4 - Water trough, water towers, and yuccas!
  20. Wilson Ranch #5 - Corral for livestock and more yuccas!
  21. Pitch A Tent - Music video shot at Lee Flat in front of some Joshua trees.
Buckhorn Box Car Cabin (June 2010)    Quick view of trip pics
  1. Buckhorn Cabin - Front of cabin with both doors visible.
  2. Outhouse - Outhouse, interesting clouds, and yucca.
  3. Stove - Wood-burning stove inside cabin.
  4. Back View - Backside view of cabin.
  5. Buckhorn Sign - Welcome sign on cabin.
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