Stone Canyon (April 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Lupine Flowers - Lots of lupine blooming and more on the way!
- Cables, Barrels, Etc. - Old mining stuff near cabin.
- Cabin - Definitely needs a little maintenance, but still standing.
- Lupine Bush - Like I said, there was a lot of this in bloom.
- Stone Wall - Remnants of old stage route through the canyon.
- Donkeys - Saw two, heard more and plenty of brownies along the way.
- Military Gate - Highly secured northern boundary of China Lake Naval Base.
- Astragalus - One of many species of milkvetch found at 5700', just above top of canyon.
- Evening Primrose - Several plants spotted in upper portion of canyon.
- Desert Paintbrush - A little of this here and there.
Defense Mine and Stone Canyon (April 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Donkey - This guy was spotted just below the Defense Mine.
- Butterfly Bush - Unusual member of the Figwort Family.
- Heermann Buckwheat - Geometrically inclined member of the Buckwheat Family.
- Bedstraw - One of the plants in this image appears to be a species of bedstraw.
- Jones' False Cloak Fern - Interesting fern growing in cracks in limestone.
- Antelope Bush #1 - Bushy member of the Rose Family.
- Desert Sandwort - Grasslike member of the Pink Family.
- Defense Mine #1 - Large wooden structure located below mine tunnel.
- Rock Nettle - Also sometimes referred to as velcro plant due to leaves.
- Antelope Bush #2 - Also sometimes called Cliffrose.
- Defense Mine #2 - Entrance to mine tunnel.
- Defense Mine #3 - Tracks leading to entrance to mine tunnel.
- Defense Mine #4 - Tracks splitting into two directions.
- Defense Mine #5 - Tracks and shack near mine tunnel.
- Defense Mine #6 - View of mine from a little ways down the road.
- Cotton Catclaw - This spiny bush is a member of the Sunflower Family.
- Lookout City - View out towards Lookout City from waterline trail.
- Waterline Trail - A trail following water pipes connects the Defense Mine to Stone Canyon.
- Prickly Poppy - Lots of prickly poppy is usually found in this general area.
- Wishbone Bush - Lots of this plant in the area in bloom or about to bloom.
- Sandwash Groundsel - Senecio flaccidus of the Sunflower Family.
- Desert Beardtongue - Penstemon fruticiformis of the Figwort Family.
- Stone Canyon Cabin - Old miner's cabin near some mine tunnels.
- Scarlet Milkvetch - Colorful member of the Pea Family.
- Evening Primrose - Found in side canyon that takes off to south just beyond cabin.
Osborne Canyon (June 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Bushy Cryptantha #1 - Lots of this scattered along the canyon.
- Ground Cherry - Sometimes also called Yellow Nightshade.
- Outhouse - That would be the Osborne Cabin in the background.
- Dry Fall View #1 - Fall located about a mile up from Surprise Mine.
- Panamint Phacelia - Plenty of this on the canyon walls.
- Dry Fall View #2 - A look at the dry fall from a nearby ridge.
- Dry Fall View #3 - Another look at the dry fall.
- Desert Beardtongue - A few plants producing flowers were encountered.
- Small Fall - Lots of small falls along the course of this canyon.
- Another Small Fall - Another easy, but interesting obstacle.
- Butterfly Bush #1 - Plenty of this intriguing plant in the canyon.
- Butterfly Bush #2 - A plant growing out of a crack in the rock.
- Butterfly Bush #3 - A look at the flowers produced by this interesting plant.
- Bushy Cryptantha #2 - Another of a multitude of bushy cryptantha bushes.
- Rock Nettle - Plenty of Rock Nettle hanging out in precarious places.
- Thistle - Only a couple thistle plants were observed.
- Heermann Buckwheat #1 - A look at the flowers of this somewhat odd plant.
- Heermann Buckwheat #2 - Another look at this unusual plant.
- Argus Bedstraw - I believe this to be Galium argense of the Rubiaceae.
- Surprise Mine - Wooden structure down in the canyon below the Surprise Mine.
Thompson Canyon (April 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Stone Ruins - Stone structures located in lower portion of canyon.
- Beavertail - Colorful cactus flowers!
- Trail - Section of trail on steep canyon slope.
- Mine Ruins - Main tunnels and ruins in Thompson Canyon.
- Pulleys and Wheels - Interesting mining equipment.
- Arrastre - Much as it was in September 2007.
- Cabin - Wooden portion fallen since 2007.
- Prickly Poppy - Not exactly abundant, but scattered around here and there.
- Donkeys - Have devastated vegetation at springs and seeps due to second consecutive year of dry weather.
- Lookout Road - Looking down on road to Lookout from ridge at 5400 feet.
- Stone Canyon - Looking (more or less northwest) up canyon on north side of ridge.
- Hedgehog #1 - Bright flower of the hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus engelmannii).
- Hedgehog #2 - Pistil and stamens at center of flower.
- Hedgehog #3 - Side view of flower and buds.
- Yucca - A group of yucca plants at 5400 feet in wash just below ridge.
- Cabin View - Looking down on roof of cabin from slope up the canyon.
- Ephedra - Also sometimes called Jointfir.
- Snowberry - Symphoricarpos longiflorus growing a little ways south from cabin.
- Lupine - Apparently the donkeys don't like this plant!
- Buckets - A bunch of rusty buckets filled with ore.
- "Tools" - Video shot mostly in Thompson Canyon.
Ash Hill (March 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Two-Headed Donkey - A most inconvenient arrangement!
- Northerly View - Looking north from Ash Hill.
- Cryptantha #1 - Small white flowers in gaps between rocks.
- Cryptantha #2 - Close look at tiny white flowers.
- Witches Hair #1 - Small parasitic orange strands bending in the wind.
- Witches Hair #2 - Looks like a plant has been lassoed!
- Tufa #1 - Tufa with Lake Hill in background.
- Tufa #2 - Tufa with Telescope in background.
- Tufa #3 - Another tufa on the east side of Ash Hill.
- Mohavea - There were a few of these in bloom between sections of Ash Hill.
Thompson Canyon (February 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Peak 8458' - Snow-covered peak above Wood Canyon.
- Telescope Peak - Snow-covered Telescope from Thompson Canyon.
- Arrastre - Close look at mechanisms of arrastre.
- Cement Pond - Pool of water above arrastre.
- Snowy Trail - A little snow on trail at about 5000 feet elevation.
- Mine Shaft #1 - Mine shaft with timbers south of Thompson Canyon.
- Mine Shaft #2 - Another mine shaft in close proximity to first one.
- Stone Structure #1 - Remains of small stone structure near shafts.
- Stone Structure #2 - Another small stone structure in the general vicinity of first one.
- Loop Hike Route - High Point: Approx 5100'. Low Point: Approx 3300'. Distance: 5.5 miles.
Stone Canyon (March 2009)
Quick view of trip pics
- Stone Cabin #1 - Stone cabin about a mile from the trailhead.
- Road Wall - Old wall of rock from road through canyon.
- Three Donkeys - Three donkeys in upper portion of canyon.
- Upper Road - Road heading northeast above canyon.
- Scattered Yuccas - Looking southwest at about 5500 feet.
- End of Road - Road ends at prospects at about 5800 feet.
- Prospects - Some debri and a few shallow holes found at end of road.
- Mining Apparatus - This is the only "structure" left standing at the prospects.
- Osbourne Canyon - Looking down Osbourne Canyon with Panamint Dunes and Lake Hill in the distance.
- Lizard - Lizard on rock at 6000 feet. Neat little blue speckles on this one!
- Terpentine Broom - Also known as Desert Rue!
- Indian Paintbrush - Lots of small plants bearing flowers observed.
- Return of Donkeys - Actually I saw a total of five different individual donkeys.
- Milkvetch - Milkvetch was another somewhat abundant plant with flowers.
- Cabin with Road - A view of the cabin later in the day.
- Mine Structure - Old structure a little ways down the canyon from the cabin.
Osborne Canyon (March 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Old Road #1 - Remants of old road dropping from Ash Hill.
- Old Road #2 - Another view of the old road over Ash Hill.
- Loading Ramp - Loading ramp located at mouth of Osborne Canyon.
- Down Canyon - Looking down canyon from below Surprise Mine Camp.
- Surprise #1 - Buildings at Surprise Mine Camp.
- Surprise #2 - Another view of buildings at mine camp.
- Surprise Stove - The stove inside the main building.
- Surprise Shack - Small shack in front of main building.
- Surprise #3 - Surprise Mine Camp from another angle.
- Up Canyon - Looking up the canyon from the mine camp.
- Zinc Hill - View looking up side canyon at a neighbor of Zinc Hill.
- Surprise #4 - Surprise Mine Camp from above.
- Ore Bunker #1- Ore bunker at end of road below mine tunnels.
- Cable - Cable dropping down from tunnels up above.
- Ore Bunker #2 - Another view of the ore bunker at end of road.
- Layered Rocks - Some interesting rocks near end of road.
- Canyon to North - Looking north from north ridge of Osborne Canyon.
- Box Thorn #1 - Box thorn blooms on ridge.
- Box Thorn #2 - More box thorn blooms on ridge.
- Box Thorn #3 - Even more box thorn blooms on ridge.
- Mine Claim - Stack of rocks on north ridge of canyon.
- Prince Albert - Can probably containing mine claim papers.
- View to North - View from ridge toward Lake Hill and Panamint Dunes
- Ash View #1 - Looking down on Ash Hill.
- Road View #1 - View of road up canyon.
- Road View #2 - Another view of the road.
- Ash View #2 - Another view of Ash Hill.
- North from Ash - Looking north from base of Ash Hill.
- Ash to West - Looking west from base of Ash Hill.
- Side Road - Side road to north ridge of canyon.
- Telescope - View of Telescope Peak with snow just before sunset.
- Argus Snow - Snow on the Argus Range.
Thompson Camp (September 2007)
Quick view of trip pics
- Below Camp #1 - Scattered remnants of some sort of camp about 200 yards below Thompson Camp.
- Below Camp #2 - More remnants below Thompson Camp.
- Stone Cabin #1 - Deteriorating cabin at Thompson Camp.
- Side Canyon - Canyon taking off to the south just below Thompson Camp.
- Lookout Roads - Looking north up at the roads leading to Lookout City.
- Metal Shack - Small metal shack at Thompson Camp.
- Water Pipe #1 - Water pipes can be found along the canyon bottom for over two miles through Thompson Canyon.
- Water Pipe #2 - More water pipes.
- Pipe and Pool - Section of pipe and small pool that appears to be frequented by donkeys.
- Trash - Debris scattered at canyon bottom below mine ruins.
- Cave #1 - This tunnel or cave is located just up from the debris pile.
- Mine Ruins #1 - Mine ruins on side of canyon a little over a mile up from Thompson Camp.
- Mine Ruins #2 - Another view of the mine ruins.
- Mine Ruins #3 - The interesting thing is that it appears that everything at this mine site must have been carted in on the back of donkeys.
- Hook - Hook hanging above main structure at mine site.
- Tunnel Bed - A mine tunnel with a small bed near entrance.
- Wheelbarrow - One of the wheelbarrows left at the site.
- Engine - This must of been a back-breaker for the poor donkeys that had to haul this thing up the steep trail leading to the mine site!
- Buckets - Buckets filled with ore samples.
- Tunnel Ladder - Tunnel with a ladder near the entrance.
- Mine Ruins #4 - Looking down on most the site.
- Arrastre #1 - Arrastre near upper cabin, nearly two miles from Thompson Camp.
- Chain In Rock - Chain attached to rock next to arrastre.
- Arrastre #2 - Close up view of arrastre mechanisms.
- Reservoir #1 - Empty reservoir right above arrastre.
- Reservoir #2 - Another view of reservoir.
- Roads Below - View of roads leading to Minietta Cabin from ridge at 4900 feet.
- Upper Cabin #1 - Upper cabin located nearly two miles from Thompson Camp.
- Cabin View - View from upper cabin looking across Panamint Valley toward Telescope Peak.
- Upper Cabin #2 - View of other side of upper cabin.
- Moonrise - View looking down Thompson Canyon across Panamint Valley of the moon rising.
- Cave #2 - Another view of cave below ruins.
- Mine Ruins #4 - Another view of ruins.
- Stone Cabin #2 - Another view of cabin.
Lookout City (April 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Minnietta Mine #1 - Ruins near Minietta Cabin.
- Minnietta Mine #2 - Mining apparatus and Telescope Peak.
- Minnietta Mine #3 - Looking down on cabin from mine tunnel.
- Minnietta Mine #4 - Road and rock walls as seen from above.
- Minnietta Mine #5 - Roads and top of mine shaft.
- Mines on Ridge - Looking up at mines above Minietta Cabin.
- Ridge Mines From Above - Previous mines from above.
- Minnietta Cabin - Front of cabin with BLM sign.
- Inside Cabin - Items inside main room of cabin.
- Outhouse - Restroom facilities at Minietta Cabin.
- Minnietta From Lookout - Looking down on cabin from top of ridge.
- Information Sign - Historical information regarding Lookout City.
- Lizard Near Ruins - Local resident getting a little sun.
- Lookout Ruins #1 - Stone walls with Telescope in the background.
- Lookout Ruins #2 - More stones walls at Lookout City. Lake Hill in background.
- Lookout Ruins #3 - Telescope with snow and more stone walls.
- Lookout Ruins #4 - Looking south with stone cabin in foreground.
- Lookout Ruins #5 - Looking down on roads below Lookout.
- Lookout Ruins #6 - Interesting relic in lower part of Lookout City.
- Lookout Ruins #7 - Deteriorating roof beams of largest cabin.
- Lookout Ruins #8 - Another view of largest cabin.
- Lookout Ruins #9 - Inside of largest cabin looking out through door.
- Lookout Ruins #10 - View to north with some ruins in foreground.
- Jack Gunn From Lookout - Looking west toward mouth of Jack Gunn Canyon.
- Scorpion Near Ruins - Another local resident getting some fresh air.
- Road Beyond Lookout - Road extending towards several mine tunnels.
Jack Gunn Canyon (April 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mine Entrance - Broken door in front of mine tunnel.
- Donkey #1 - Black burro on slope above canyon.
- Donkey #2 - Black burro and yuccas.
- Donkeys - Three Donkeys on slope above canyon.
- Pipe - Water pouring out of pipe.
- Rabbit - Rabbit under rocks near top of canyon.
- Hole in Rock - Small cave near hilltop.
- Spring in Cave - Water in rock tunnel.
- Stone Cabin #1 - Cabin a couple miles hike up canyon.
- Stone Cabin #2 - Cabin, trail, and mine apparatus.
- Stone Cabin #3 - Cables extending down to mine apparatus.
- Tecate - Bottles and cans inside cabin.
- Telescope Peak - Snow on peak across valley.
- Military Signs #1 - Military boundary at top of canyon.
- Military Signs #2 - Gate warning against trespassing.
- Top of Canyon #1 - View to northeast at top of canyon.
- Top of Canyon #2 - Yuccas at top of canyon.
- Top of Canyon #3 - View to south at top of canyon.
- Top of Canyon #4 - Looking back toward the canyon.
- Top of Canyon #5 - Military boundary and Sierras in distance.
- Top of Canyon #6 - Rugged yucca at top of canyon.
- Road #1 - Stone wall holding up portion of road.
- Road #2 - Rail along side of old road.
- Road #3 - Another view of stone wall.
- Bottle #1 - Old bottle found at top of canyon.
- Bottle #2 - Another view of old bottle.
- Bottle #3 - Yet another view of old bottle.
- Bottle #4 - Close up of bottom of bottle.
- Historic Bottle Page - Information about old bottles.