Pleasant/South Park/Jackpot Area Map
The main sites of interest
in this area are:
- Jackpot Canyon
- Pleasant Canyon
- Porter Peak
- Mormon Peak
- Middle Park
- South Park
- Striped Butte
- Brigg's Cabin
Dirt roads enter Jackpot, Pleasant, and South Park Canyons. Further the
roads branch out and allow access to most of the intersting sites in these
canyons. Two roads allow for exploration in Jackpot Canyon. The road up
Pleasant branches in a few different directions in the upper canyon
and even provides access to the upper portion of Happy Canyon. Also there
are two roads that enter Middle Park from Pleasant Canyon. One continues
along the crest of the Panamint Range south to South Park where there is a
great view of Striped Butte down in Butte Valley. A road also
continues south from South Park into Big Horn Canyon.
Pleasant Canyon
The monument for Larry Alexander is located about a half mile south of
Roger's Pass. It is off the road a bit, but not difficult to find.
The Ballarat townsite was organized in 1897. It was located near Post Office
Springs which was an established drop off location in the area. The name of
the town was suggested by George Riggins of Australia, the location of the
original Ballarat which was famous for successful gold mines in that country. (Source:
Ballarat Facts and Folklore (1897-1917), Hubbard et. al.)