Slate Trail (March 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mojave Aster #1 - Lots of these in bloom all along the trail.
- Gilia - Also quite plentiful and difficult to get a picture of on a windy day!
- Beavertail Cactus - Several bright magenta flowers encountered along course of hike.
- Yellow Tackstem - It's hard to see the tiny tacks on the stem, but they're there!
- Desert Pincushion #1 - Lots of these little white flowers scattered all around.
- Desert Pincushion #2 - This little plant is growing out of a crack in a rock.
- Mojave Aster #2 - More lovely lavender flowers.
- Desert Larkspur #1 - Plenty of these interesting little flowers blowing around in the breeze.
- Desert Hyacinth - These neat little flowers were also present in great quantities.
- Little Gold Poppy - Tiny, golden-yellow flowers and intricate, grayish-green leaves.
- Desert Plantain - Inconspicuous, but all over the place.
- Burrobush - This member of the Sunflower Family is also known as Ambrosia dumosa.
- Desert Larkspur #2 - This member of the Buttercup Family is also known as Delphinium parishii.
- Spineflower - Unusual member of the Buckwheat Family quite common in the area.
- Snake's Head - Interesting turban-shaped flower buds.
- Five Spot - The spots are actually inside the flower and visible after it opens.
- Purple Mat and Desert Star - Two common belly flowers hanging out together.
- Lupine - Seed pods forming on lupine stalk.
- Late Afternoon Shadows - View along portion of the Slate Range late in the day.
- Peace Sign - Rocks arranged on playa area to form footprint of the Great American Chicken.
Quarry Area Below China Road (March 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Quarry Area #1 - Looking northwest towards quarry.
- Turpentine Broom - Close look at flowers on Turpentine Broom bush.
- Claim Post - The corners of quarry mine claim are clearly posted.
- Quarry Area #2 - Another view of quarry area with Argus Range in background.
- Inside Old Car - Looking in the driver's side window at lush interior!
- Rain Puddle - Large puddle at bottom of hole at quarry.
- Loading Dock - Fallen railroad ties with red rock behind them.
- Old Car - Rusty old car near quarry.
- Rock Wall - Rock wall holding back tailings from quarry.
- Manly Peak - Manly Peak behind tailings pile.
Slate Range Crossing (January 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Blue Bird - Extremely bright blue feathers.
- Water Mouth #1 - Looking down on mouth of Water Canyon.
- Water Mouth #2 - Look for old roads on hillsides.
- China Road #1 - China Road snaking around with Manly Peak in background.
- Inside Shack - Interior of shack at Aquarius Travertine Mine.
- Outside Shack - Exterior view of shack above McDermott monument.
- Pole - Pole on hill above shack looking north into Panamint Valley.
- Highway - Looking down on highway dropping into Panamint Valley.
- Delivery Van - A delivery van taking turn on Slate Range Xing.
- Mine Tunnel - Entrance to mine tunnel above Weston Marker.
- Weston Marker - Memorial marker with top of crossing in background.
- Tight Turn #1 - View from Weston Marker of tight turn in highway.
- Tight Turn #2 - Close view of vehicle on tight turn.
- Truck on Highway - View of truck chugging up Slate Range Crossing.
- China Road #2 - Another view of China Road with Manly Peak glowing in the background.
- McDermott Marker - Marker in memory of local miner.
- Aquarius Shack - Shack above marker next to Aquarius Travertine Mine.
- Lizard In Hand - Taken near the Aquarius Travertine Mine.
--- LATE JANUARY 2010 ---
- Shallow Pond - Area west of highway flooded by recent rains.
- Snowy Mountains - Snow on Argus Range northwest of Slate Range Crossing.
- Circular Rocks #1 - Rocks arranged in circular pattern.
- Circular Rocks #2 - Another view of rocks placed in circle.
- Donkeys #1 - Small group of donkeys.
- Donkeys #2 - Group of probably sixteen donkeys.
- Donkeys #3 - Another view of group of donkeys.
- Donkeys #4 - Seven donkeys posing for the camera!
Slate Trail (May 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Lycium #1 - Lycium with berries growing near trail.
- Lycium #2 - More lycium. It was quite abundant.
- Lycium #3 - Lycium is a genus in the Nightshade Family.
- Lycium #4 - DeDecker lists four different species of Lycium grow in the Death Valley area.
- Lycium #5 - Even more lycium on trail on Panamint Valley side of the Slate Range.
- Lycium #6 - Lycium was abundant along this three-mile section of trail.
- Tomato #1 - Another member of the Lycium genus is Desert Tomato.
- Tomato #2 - Desert Tomato is also known as Lycium andersonii.
- Desert Woolly Star - This small flower was quite abundant.
- Trail View - Looking along the trail to the south. A tower can be barely be seen at the top of the highest point in the picture.
- Panamint Valley - Looking up Panamint Valley along the foot of the Argus Range.
- China Road - Corner of old dirt road built by Chinese immigrants is visible. Also visible is a section of the hiking trail.
- Spiny-Herb #1 - Spiny-Herb specimen with yellow flowers.
- Spiny-Herb #2 - The flowers aren't exactly spectacular or even very noticeable.
- Claim Marker - Claim marker along ridge with Maturango Peak in the background.
- Tomato #3 - More Desert Tomato. There was quite a bit of this plant!
- Lycium #7 - Even more Lycium growing at about 3600 feet.
- Lycium #8 - Another view of the berries on a Lycium plant.
- Slate Playa - The playa area in the middle of the Slate Trail. (picture taken 09/2008)
- Lycium #9 - Yet another close look at the berries of a Lycium plant.
- Unidentified Bush - Interesting bush. Not sure what it is!
- Benchmark Rocks #1 - View of six foot stack of rocks looking southeast along the Slates.
- Benchmark Rocks #2 - Another view of stack of rocks, this time with Manly Peak in the background.
- Survey Benchmark - The benchmark was apparently placed at this location in 1950. The elevation was about 3800 feet according to my GPS.
- Rock Quarry - View of the rock quarry near the northern end of Searles Valley looking down from the Benchmark Rocks.
- Benchmark Rocks #3 - This time Telescope Peak shows up behind the rocks.
- Benchmark Debri - It appears that a small structure may have existed here at one time.
- Benchmark Rocks #4 - That's Maturango Peak behind the stack of rocks in this picture.
- Playa - Playa area along trail about a mile and a half mostly east of Slate Range Crossing.
- Punctured Bract - There was lots of punctured bract scattered around the area.
Slate Trail (May 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Slate Trail - Section of the trail west of playa
- Slate Pond #1 - This area fills up with water following rain
- Slate Pond #2 - Some of the rocks by the pond area
- Lichen on Rock - One of the many lichen covered rocks along the trail
- Briggs Mine View - The Briggs Mine is just to the east, across Panamint Valley
- Tarantula On Trail - The only other hiker I saw that day!
- Slates View - View looking toward transceiver
- Turtle Shell in Playa - Empty shell... there were some turtle holes near by with freshly moved dirt
- Playa Along Trail - Large flat area cradled between hills
- Another View Of Trail - Another section of the trail
China Road (JULY 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Crossing #1 - Looking down top of China Road.
- Crossing #2 - A little further down China Road.
- Crossing #3 - Wall supporting road around corner.
- Crossing #4 - Another wall supporting road around corner.
- Crossing #5 - Rock wall holding up road.
- Crossing #6 - Looking down middle portion of road into valley.
- Crossing #7 - Road working its way around another corner.
- Lower Road #1 - Lower portion of China Road.
- Lower Road #2 - Another view of lower portion of China Road.
- Briggs/Manly - View across valley from bottom of road.
- Slate Highpoint - Looking south from the bottom of the road.
- Highway View #1 - Looking down highway from top of pass.
- Highway View #2 - Another view of highway dropping into valley.