Snow Canyon (May 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mine Structures - Various wooden structures near end of road in Snow Canyon.
- Cable Winder - Old apparatus used to wind cable.
- Pulley and Gears - Rusty metal wheels atop old wooden structure.
- Old Trail #1 - Stacked rock used to support trail built into steep hillside.
- Mine Artifacts - Various items qualifying as antiquities.
- Rusty Wheel - Old metal wheel mounted on concrete block and wood.
- French Madam #1 - Looking up at French Madam Peak (8458 feet).
- Solid Metal Cylinder - It weighs a lot more than a bowling ball!
- French Madam #2 - Another look at this lovely lady.
- Old Trail #2 - Trail visible on hillside (looking south from north of Snow Canyon).
Wood Canyon (April 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Desert Woolly Star - Extremely prevalent at lower portion of canyon.
- Spineflower - Another plant present in great numbers in lower canyon.
- Lilac Sunbonnet - These fancy, but small, flowers were scattered around the lower canyon area.
- Woolly Daisy - This plant was quite prevalent along most of the hike.
- Yucca #1 - First group of yucca plants encountered along trip up canyon.
- Bighorn Skull - The upper portion of a bighorn skull, including base of horns.
- Donkey - A particularly shaggy creature who had been preoccupied with eating until my arrival.
- Two Donkeys - Disgruntled donkeys not pleased to have their meal interrupted by a hiker.
- Lupine #1 - Close look at the flowers produced by this attractive plant.
- Yucca #2 - Another cluster of yucca plants prevalent in upper canyon.
- Astragalus - A small number of milkvetch plants were observed in upper canyon.
- Evening Primrose #1 - A single small group of plants was observed in the upper canyon.
- Evening Primrose #2 - A close look at an unopened flower with its stamens sticking out.
- Lupine #2 - Another look at a flower with the banner, keel, and wings characteristic of the Pea Family.
- Pipe - A random piece of pipe sticking out of the group a couple mile up from mouth of canyon.
Wood Canyon (April 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Creosote Flower - Close look at a creosote flower growing near mouth of canyon.
- Cholla Flower - Close look at a flower produced by a cholla.
- Donkeys - An adult and a juvenile donkey.
- Box Thorn - Pretty purple flower growing on a box thorn bush.
- Blazing Star - Lots of blazing star plants about a mile up the canyon.
- Mojave Red - Rattlesnake peeking out from between a couple rocks.
- Brickellia - Spearleaved Brickellia flower bud.
- Water Pipe - There's about a half mile of rusty old pipeline in one of the forks of Wood Canyon.
- Lupine - Lots of lupine producing luscious and fragrant flowers!
- Old Trail #1 - Rocks piled to maintain trail at about 4300 feet.
- Old Trail #2 - Another look at section of trail.
- Old Trail #3 - Stacked rocks further up the canyon encountered off and on to 4600 feet.
- Upper Spring - Spring at about 4700 feet with a couple pinyons and a yucca.
- Carrot Family Member - Biscuit root, desert parsley, or some other Carrot Family member..
- Miniature Bouquet - Desert star and purple mat sharing real estate.
- Hedgehog Cactus - Some blooming and many with buds.
- Beavertail Buds - I counted exactly fifty flower buds on this one plant.
- Desert Tomato #1 - Tiny flowers of Lycium andersonii.
- Desert Tomato #2 - A close look at desert tomato flowers.
- Rock Outcropping - View from the top of outcropping shown in image from September 2007.
Wood Canyon (May 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Wood Canyon View - Looking down on mouth of Wood Canyon from 4500 feet.
- Yellow Frocks - Small member of the Sunflower Family.
- Broad-Flowered Gilia - A colorful member of the Phlox Family.
- Desert Sage - This member of the Mint Family is also known as Purple Sage.
- Bedstraw - A species of Galium of the Madder Family.
- Threadstem Gilia - Especially difficult to photograph member of the Phlox Family.
- Mexican Bladdersage - Member of the Mint Family with interesting seed pods.
- Brickellia - There are several species of Brickellia found in the Panamint Valley.
- Panamint Penstemon - This plant was found growing near the lower spring.
- Beavertail Cactus - Showy flowers typical of many species of cactus.
- Muddy Area - Mud under thicket at lower spring.
- Spring Box - Wooden box inside thicket at lower spring.
- Ruins - Ruins of small structure at middle fork of Wood Canyon.
- Lilac Sunbonnet - Another member of the Phlox Family.
- Area Map - Map showing route of hike.
Snow Canyon (March 2009)
Quick view of trip pics
- Burrobush - Yellowish-greenish flowers of Ambrosia dumosa.
- Chia - Close up of tiny chia flowers.
- Purple Mat - Nama demissum lives up to its common name!
- Lesser Mohavea - Bright yellow flowers of Mohavea breviflora.
- Small Flowered Blazing Star - There was quite a bit of Mentzelia albicaulis blooming!
- Rusty Pan - A rusty pan near an abandoned mine.
- Tunnel and Ladder - Old ladder next to a mine tunnel.
- Familiar Names - Some familiar names left inside mine tunnel.
- Pulley Apparatus - Interesting relic inside mine tunnel.
- Lilac Sunbonnet - It's always nice to see a little Langloisia setosissima in bloom!
- Mine Camp - Mine camp just north of Snow Canyon.
- Wall and Tunnel - This tunnel sits just above the mouth of Snow Canyon.
- Desert Star - Tiny flowers of Monoptilon bellidiforme.
- Cloak Fern - This specimen of Cheilanthes parryi looks particularly fuzzy!
Snow Canyon (June 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Ruins at 3700' - A rock wall in main canyon near road to north.
- Mine Entrance - Mine entrance east of road to north less than a half mile from bottom of canyon.
- Cottontop Cactus #1 - Yellow flowers on cottontop cactus.
- Cottontop Cactus #2 - More yellow flowers and closeup of "cotton" on top of cactus.
- Cottontop Cactus #3 - Another view of flowers on cottontop cactus.
- Saddle Mining Co. - Sign painted on side of boulder along road to north.
- Ore Loader - Ore loader next to road to north.
- Structures - View of ore loader and other structures at the bottom of the canyon.
- Stove Remains - Remains of a stove at a camp on ridge north of Snow Canyon.
- Lookout City - View of Lookout City through haze caused by smoke from the Clover Fire in the southern Sierras.
- Road to Lookout - View of road leading to Lookout City through haze.
- Rock Structure - Remains of a rock structure at top of ridge north of Snow Canyon.
- Broken Bottles - Some broken bottles at site of mining camp.
- Mine Entrance - Mine entrance below mining camp on top of ridge. (approx. elev: 5000')
- Panamint Rattlesnake #1 - Rattlesnake near mine entrance.
- Panamint Rattlesnake #2 - Rattlesnake stretched out.
- Panamint Rattlesnake #3 - Rattlesnake partially stretched out.
- Panamint Rattlesnake #4 - Rattlesnake coiled up.
- Hedgehog Fruit - Fruit of hedgehog cactus.
- Mine Shaft Ladder - Ladder down mine shaft. This shaft is near mining camp with stove remains and bottles.
- Mine Shaft - View of area surrounding mine shaft.
- Yuccas #1 - Group of yucca plants at approximately 5400' in elevation.
- Yuccas #2 - Another view of group of yucca plants.
- Wire and Wood - Wire and wood on high point at 5800' scattered amongst boulders.
- Yucca Fruits - Close view of yucca fruits.
- Panamint Rattlesnake #5 - Second rattlesnake encountered on hike.
- Mine Remains - These remains were along trail leading back down to the canyon bottom.
- More Remains - This site is located at bottom of side canyon draining into Snow Canyon.
- Cable Support - Several cable support structures remain standing.
- Ore Loader - Another view of ore loader shown in picture seven.
Wood Canyon - North Fork (September 2007)
Quick view of trip pics
- Donkeys #1 - A group of donkeys at the mouth of Wood Canyon.
- Donkeys #2 - Another view of the donkeys at the mouth of Wood Canyon.
- Outcropping - Large rock outcropping in south sub-fork of the north fork of Wood Canyon. The base of the outcropping is at an elevation of 3800 feet.
- Mountain View - View of peaks spotted with pinyons above canyon.
- Wildrose - Some wildrose bushes encountered at an elevation of 3900 feet.
- Marker - Mine claim marker or trail duck? Who knows? This marker is located right above the wildrose patch.
- Sheep Horn - Sheep horn found right below thicket.
- Thicket - Dense thicket encountered at an elevation of 4200 feet.
- Cactus Patch - Cactus patch photographed on way back down the canyon.
Wood Canyon - South Fork (August 2007)
Quick view of trip pics
- Lizard - Lizard by road at mouth of Wood Canyon.
- Panamint View - Looking south down Panamint Valley from mouth of Wood Canyon.
- Revenue View - Road leading from mouth of Wood Canyon to Revenue Canyon.
- Trail - Section of donkey trail leading up south fork of Wood Canyon beyond end of road.
- Pipes #1 - Some rusty pipes below spring in Wood Canyon.
- Pipes #2 - More rusty pipes. These were found right below the spring shown in picture 12.
- Bushes - Bush at 4000' about 100 yards below spring shown in pictures 10 and 11.
- Spring #1 - Spring at 4200'.
- Spring #2 - Another view of spring.
- Berries #1 - Close up of berries growing on bushes at spring.
- Berries #2 - Another picture of berries.
- Spring #3 - Pictures 10 and 11 show a spring at the canyon bottom. This one is located further down the canyon, but up on the side of the canyon.
Snow Canyon (June 2007)
Quick view of trip pics
- Rock Wall #1 - Rock Wall along side of road a little ways up Snow Canyon. (3700')
- Rock Wall #2 - Another view of rock wall next to road. (3700')
- Road to North - This road continues to the north to many interesting sites. (3700')
- Entrance - Mine tunnel framed with old timbers. (3800')
- Mill - Remains of mining operation. (3800')
- Ore Loader - Old wooden ore loader at bottom of hillside. (3900')
- Mill Ruins - Foundation stones of old mill. (3900')
- Wall in Canyon - Wall located a little ways up from end of road. (4000')
- Prince's Plume - Lots of vegetation near springs in canyon. (4200')
- Cabin Remains - Remains of cabin a ways up from end of road. (4500')
- More Cabin Remains - Remnants of another cabin further up canyon. (4600')
- Even More - Another rock structure. (4600')
- Hill and Yuccas - Steep canyon wall in background. (5800')
- Prospect - Evidence of prospecting activity in upper canyon. (5800')
- Canyon Bottom - Looking down canyon. (5800')
- Panamint Penstemon - Flowers on canyon bottom. (5100')