Pinto Peak (June 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Emigrant Pass - Trailhead and parking area immediately across the road.
- Closed Road - This is not the road to the peak. It goes down and to the southwest.
- Road/Trail #1 - This is what the road looks like a short ways into the hike.
- Road/Trail #2 - The old road just follows a crestline upwards.
- Gold Buttons - Also known as fleabane or rayless daisy.
- Road/Trail #3 - Later in the hike junipers appear, but the road remains the same.
- Road/Trail #4 - The road is very steep in many places.
- Phacelia - Small phacelia plant growing in crack of rock at about 7100 feet.
- Lizard - Lizard working on its tan not far from the phacelia plant.
- The Peak - Looking up at the peak from about 7000 feet.
- Road/Trail #5 - Very overgrown road, probably closed for a few decades.
- Telescope Peak - Looking out over playa towards Telescope Peak late in the day.
- Juniper Trees - Hillside dotted with juniper trees at about 6900 feet.
- More Juniper Trees - Drainage with juniper trees scattered around here and there.
- Tucki Mountain - Looking at Tucki from about 7300 feet.
- The Summit - Register box in middle of rocks at the top of the peak.
- Canyon to West - Looking down into canyon from just south of the peak.
- Summit Ridge - Looking south along summit ridge.
- More Junipers - A couple healthy trees growing next to each other at about 6800 feet.
- Impressive Juniper - One of the more impressive specimens at about 6900 feet.
Pinto Peak Trail (October 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Tucki Mountain - View to north of Tucki Mountain (6726 feet).
- Panamint Range - Wildrose (9064 feet) and Telescope (11,049 feet) to the southeast.
- Fishhook Cactus - Sclerocactus polyancistrus of the Cactus Family.
- Mud Cracks #1 - Basin area about four miles from trailhead.
- Mud Cracks #2 - More dried mud and resulting cracks.
- Mud Cracks #3 - Yet another look at the mud cracks!
- Mud Cracks #4 - Look at basin area which trail crosses.
- Juniper Berries - Juniperus californicus of the Cypress Family.
- Wildrose and Telescope - View of two peaks from about 6200 feet.
- Another Juniper - Tree at edge of basin area before trail starts climbing again.
Wildrose Peak (June 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Charcoal Kilns - A view of the back of three kilns.
- Death Valley - Looking down from the peak on the valley down below.
- Trail Canyon - Focusing in on some buildings in Trail Canyon.
- Telescope Peak - Facilities atop Bennett with Telescope in background.
- Gilman's Milkvetch #1 - Rare plant that is common from Telescope to Wildrose.
- Gilman's Milkvetch #2 - Astragalus gilmanii of the Fabaceae (Pea Family).
- Granite Gilia - One of the few plants in bloom on this trip.
- Dusty Maidens - Interesting member of the Sunflower Family.
- Antelope Bush - Also know as Cliff Rose and a member of the Rose Family.
- Mojave Prickly-Pear - Commonly found in Pinyon Forests in the Panamint Range.
Mahogany Flat Area (June 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Sego Lily - There were only a few of these scattered around along the ridge.
- Fleabane Daisy - There were several colonies of plants producing these attractive flowers.
- Telescope - Spots of snow visible on the peaks to the south.
- Mound Cactus - Not a lot of these in bloom, but a few here and there.
- Granite Gilia - There were a few clumps of this plant scattered about.
- Heart-Leaf Twistflower - Not exactly plentiful, but easy to find.
- Dusty Maidens - One of the most frequently encountered plants in bloom on this hike.
- Panamint Buckwheat #1 - Found along lower portion of Wildrose Peak trail.
- Panamint Buckwheat #2 - A close look at cluster of tiny flowers.
- Lupine - Some lupine along road between the Charcoal Kilns and Mahogany Flat.
Emigrant Pass Area (April 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Panamint Daisy #1 - Panamint daisy and snow in Wildrose Canyon.
- Panamint Daisy #2 - Several Panamint daisy plants in gully.
- Panamint Daisy #3 - More daisies in full bloom.
- Panamint Daisy #4 - Daisies growing on slope above Wildrose Canyon.
- Panamint Daisy #5 - Close look at large yellow flowers.
- Panamint Daisy #6 - Another close look with water drops on petals.
- Panamint Daisy #7 - Snow on ridge above canyon and daisies on slope.
- Panamint Daisy #8 - Another look at daisies and snow.
- April Snow #1 - Heavy dusting of snow near Emigrant Pass.
- April Snow #2 - Looking north toward the pass.
- April Snow #3 - More snow next to road.
- April Snow #4 - Emigrant Pass sign elevation 5318 feet.
- April Snow #5 - More snow near pass.
- April Snow #6 - Vapor on road.
- April Snow #7 - Clouds and snow covered mountains.
Wildrose Peak (July 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Lupine #1 - Lupine in foreground with Trail Canyon down below.
- Lupine #2 - More lupine on top of peak, looking east.
- Granite Gilia - Granite Gilia at top of peak.
- Lupine #3 - Close up view of lupine in bloom.
- Wood Canyon - Top of Wood Canyon with roads barely visible through smoky haze.
- Bald Peak - Looking west from Wildrose Peak at Bald Peak.
- Cliff Rose (Antelope Bush) - Close up of cliff rose flowers.
Hummingbird Spring (May 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Chimney #1 - The chimney of the Death Valley superintendent's house.
- Chimney #2 - Another view of the chimney with the steps in the foreground.
- Chimney #3 - A view from behind the chimney.
- Hummingbird Pipe - The pipe at Hummingbird Spring with water coming out of it.
- Hummingbird Spring - Looking down on the spring and the thicket of vegetation below the spring.
- Columbines - Columbine plants right below the spring.
- Thicket - Looking down on the thicket below the spring from a little further up the canyon.
- Currant #1 - Some currant plants near Hummingbird Springs.
- Currant #2 - More currant plants near the spring.
- Currant #3 - More currant plants in the area of the springs.
- Currant #4 - Yet more currant plants.
- Rock Formations #1 - Looking up canyon from the springs at interesting rock formations and vegetation.
- Wildrose Peak - Looking across Wildrose Canyon toward Wildrose Peak with ephedra in the foreground.
- Reservoir #1 - Reservoir above superintendent's house.
- Reservoir #2 - Another view of the reservoir.
- Rock Formations #2 - A look at some rock formation up the canyon from the reservoir.
- Chimney #4 - A final view of the chimney a little later in the afternoon.
- Phlox #1 - There was an abundance of phlox in bloom on this trip.
- Phlox #2 - More phlox flowers!
- Phlox #3 - Usually pink, but often white!
- Phlox #4 - One last phlox flower for this trip!
Wood Canyon and A Canyon (August 2007)
Quick view of trip pics
- Junk Car #1 - There was quite a collection of old junkers at the Argenta Mine Camp!
- Junk Car #2 - Another old junk car at Argenta Mine Camp.
- Junk Car #3 - One wonders how so many cars got left at one location like this.
- Junk Car #4 - This is probably the oldest of the bunch!
- Junk Car #5 - Upside down...
- Argenta Shack - Remains of old shack at Argenta Mine Camp.
- Junk Car #6 - Maybe they had a demolition derby just before abandoning the mine!
- Steering Wheel #1 - Close up of inside of junk car.
- Steering Wheel #2 - Another view of the steering wheel.
- Canyon Crest - Crest of Wood Canyon looking toward Wildrose Peak.
- Argenta Mine - Mine tunnel at Argenta Mine site.
- Trail Canyon - Looking down trail canyon into Death Valley.
- Descending Road - Road entering Trail Canyon from crest of Wood Canyon. This road goes down about a mile and then just stops. You can follow the bottom of the canyon a little further, but then you reach several drop offs that make proceeding down the canyon difficult.
- Wood Canyon - Looking at crest and upper portion of Wood Canyon.
- Aguereberry Road - This is the road that enters Trail Canyon from Aguereberry Road.
- Aguereberry Point - Looking across upper Trail Canyon at Aguereberry Point.
- Wilderness Sign North - This road follows the crest north to a mine tunnel and several prospects.
- Wilderness Sign East - A road goes into a fork of Trail Canyon at this point. A faint trail also takes off to the right.
- A Canyon Shack #1 - This collapsed shack is in A Canyon. A Canyon is just south of Wood Canyon.
- A Canyon Shack #2 - Another view of collapsed shack.
- A Canyon Outhouse - This outhouse is located by the shack.
Eureka Mine (July 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Eureka Mine #1 - View of the main tunnel of the Eureka Mine. (Notice small furry critter in foreground.)
- Eureka Mine #2 - The Cashier Mill which stands next to the Eureka Mine.
- Old Car Near Eureka Mine - This car is located just down from Aguereberry Camp.
- Shack by Eureka Mine - Small, mostly collapsed, shack between main tunnel and mill.
- Harrisburg Flats #1 - View from Skidoo Road looking toward Wildrose Peak.
- Harrisburg Flats #2 - View from Eureka Mine looking north with Augereberry Camp in the foreground.
- Aguereberry Camp - Group of shacks not far from the Eureke Mine.
- Eureka Rabbit - A rabbit a few feet from the Cashier Mill.
Wildrose Peak and Charcoal Kilns (May 2006)
Quick view of trip pics
- Death Valley View #1 - Looking down into Death Valley from Wildrose Peak.
- Death Valley View #2 - View of southern end of Death Valley.
- Aguereberry Point (6433') - Road leading to popular vista point as seen from Wildrose Peak.
- Ephedra Plant #1 - Ephedra plants at top of Wildrose.
- Ephedra Plant #2 - More ephedra plants scattered around peak area.
- Charcoal Kilns #1 - Kilns viewed from above.
- Charcoal Kilns #2 - Row of kilns and mountains behind them.
- Charcoal Kilns #3 - Another view of kilns all lined up in a row.
- Benchmark - USGS benchmark at top of Wildrose Peak.
- Sage Plant Along Trail - Bright purple and/or magenta flowers on sage plant.
- Skidoo Pipeline - Section of pipe displayed along paved section of road leading to kilns.
- Roger's Peak - Looking south from trail through pinyon forest.
- Mahogany Flats - The road up to Mahogany Flats from Wildrose Peak.
- Trail Canyon - Looking down on Trail Canyon from top of peak.
- Trailhead - Sign at beginning of trail next to kilns.